I am a Soul Plan Practitioner and Spiritual Blogger. Find out how a Soul Plan Reading can clarify your confusion about your life, and clarify your karma, gifts, goals and life purpose. Always accurate since your name does not lie! Readings by Skype, Phone or in-Person in South East London, UK.
I also offer spiritual counselling to release emotional patterns and trauma, as well as non-dual / Advaita- based sessions. Sessions by Skype and in-person in SE23, London, UK.
Happy enough but something feels missing?
Same challenges over and over again?
Feeling lost or confused in life?
If the answer to any of the above is a Yes, then there’s a way to address these issues. A Soul Plan Reading can help to guide you in a most transformative way. A Soul Plan Reading, also called a Soul Contract Reading, reveals your challenges, talents, goals and overall soul destiny and is shown time and time again to be uncannily accurate!
Readings are deeply revealing about your blockages, gifts, aims and soul purpose. They last approx one hour by Skype video call (or voice if you don’t have a web cam) and all I need is your birth name.
Blog: https://soulsavvi.com/
Soul Plan Readings: https://soulsavvi.com/soul-plan-readings/
The Alklaine Diet Guidebook eBook: https://soulsavvi.com/alkaline-diet-guidebook-ebook/
To contact me:
Email: reenagagneja (@) gmail.com
Contact page: https://soulsavvi.com/contact/
Tel: +44 (0) 7730 586 110