Radka Ruzicka, PhD, ND(Aust.), NNCP, is a Master Herbalist, Nutrition Expert and the primary health professional at Living Energy and has been in the field of Natural Medicine for over 20 years. Radka graduated the Naturopathic Program from the Australasian College of Natural Therapies (Sydney, Australia) in 1992. After moving to Canada, she opened her clinic and has been in private practice since -- offering a natural approach to health and wellness, including use of herbal medicine, nutrition, homeopathy, flower essences, and energy balancing techniques.
Over the years, her practice has expanded to the arena of teaching, and in 2005, Living Energy Studies was launched. Currently, all courses are via correspondence (home-study), and are affiliated with the Canadian Association of Natural Nutritional Practitioners (CANNP) and the International Institute of Complimentary Therapists (IICT). Courses offered include:
* Wholistic Nutrition
* Back to Basics (Anatomy & Physiology)
Radka's professional experience is vast and varied, and over the years she has presented to a variety of orgnaizations, and written a variety of articles to different publications, on the topic of natural health.
If you'd like to enroll in any of the correspondence programs (Wholistic Nutrtion or Back to Basics Anatomy/Physiology/Chemistry), please phone or email Living Energy and we'd be happy to email or send you an enrollment package.