Prince Ben is a famous wealth creation expert, motivational speaker, best-selling author, publisher, trainer and investments consultant who has risen to national prominence by delivering powerful life changing message at conferences, seminars, training, as a television & radio personality that shows people secrets and ideas to achieve success in their lives with peace of mind. He accepts speaking invitations from individuals, business organizations and churches to deliver life - changing messages with amazing testimonies. He also consults for individuals and business organizations on investments and business opportunities
He is a famous newspapers columnist in Nigeria, U.S & U.K, such as Financial Standard every Monday, Tribune every Saturday, Independent, Kaleidoscope Florida, Heritage Dallas and newly introduce Visage Magazine where he share some of his personal life experience as a way of helping others apply it to their lives and achieve success beyond their widest imagination.
Prince Ben, is the C.E.O, Prince Ben Organization and President, Success Is Now International. He is a widely traveled Motivational Speaker and Investments Consultant who has delivers many life-changing papers at seminars, conferences and business meetings in Nigeria and other foreign countries in the world. He is a member of Certified Speaking Professional, Motivational Speaking Network, International Speakers Network among others.
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You can achieve anything you desire in life if only you can see what God said about you at creation --- Prince Ben
Let your parents concern be yours if you wish to live longer than they do ---- Prince Ben
All you will ever need to achieve your greatest heart's desire's in life are my concern at