Phil Gabbard is a world traveling engineer who has worked in Europe, Asia, the Mid-East and the US for more years than he would care to admit.
While working in remote locations, he has developed various ways to effectively study, complete college degrees, and continue his education. He also emphasizes goal setting for self improvement and time management techniques.
Using the techniques he promotes, he has completed an Associate’s Degree, a Bachelors Degree, various industry certifications (Microsoft MCSE, Cisco CCNA and CCDA, FCC GROL with radar endorsement, etc.), all without spending significant amounts of time in the classroom.
He accomplished this while assigned in foreign countries. Working far from the resources we take for granted, he has learned techniques for goal setting, motivation and efficient study that anyone can use to accelerate their education.Visit his site to read the latest info and subscribe to his email list at Education Acceleration.
You don't understand anything until you learn it more than one way.- Marvin Minsky
By learning you will teach; by teaching you will learn.- Latin proverb
The ultimate goal of the educational system is to shift to the individual the burden of pursuing his education.- John W. Gardner