Peter Rose
Personal Profile
Born 16/2/42 Educated at Technical High School and Colleges.
GCE (Maths Physics and English) ONC and NVQ qualifications in engineering and
Having trained as a technical engineer in electro magnetic motors I then spent many years studying, with the leading teachers of the time, holistic forms of health care. Including Shiatsu and Acupuncture. In the later part of this time I started to investigate the use of magnets as part of health care
I have treated thousands of patients using this experience and knowledge; I have worked in drug and alcohol abuse and at large private holistic clinics.
I worked in various industrial management roles including costing/ estimating and sales.
1983/4 studied Shiatsu at the East West Centre in London and continued studies with Harold Dull, Waturi Ohashi, Yamomoto etc
1984 to 1986 studied massage/ anatomy/ physiology/ acupuncture and homoeopathy with the Association of Natural Medicines.
1986 and on going started to study the effects of magnetism and energies in the human healing process.
All studies are on going, each treatment teaches a little more, each lecture and each conversation adds to the total stock of knowledge.
Was one of the earliest members of the Shiatsu Society in the UK and a founder member of the Suffolk and North Essex Shiatsu Association.
Organizer of the first East Anglian exhibitions of Natural Medicine
Co started the Green Lodge Centre for Integrated Medicines
Worked for 3 years at the Colchester Open Road drug and alcohol treatment centre the 3rd year as full time therapy co-ordinator
Taught Shiatsu at The Colchester Institute (a regional College of Anglian Polytechnic University)
Was an elected director of the Shiatsu Society for 2 years
Manager of Shiatsu International.
Now retired from providing treatments that incorporate Shiatsu, Acupressure, Magnet Therapy, Moxibustion and advice on herbal, flower and homoeopathic remedies.
I have developed an on line course of instruction in Magnetic Therapy
Author of books on the I Ching and Magnet Therapy ( The practical guide to magnet
therapy pub Godsfield Press and Magnet healing pub Time Life.) but now concentrating on the “on line magnetic therapy course” and working on other books
This is done in 4 parts with the student submitting answers to a short question section that concludes each part. I then personaly reply to the student with comments and advice. The next part of the course is then sent out.
Through stillness comes strength.
Add into the cycle of “life” LEARNING so we get —birth, learning, growth, learning, maturity, learning, stagnation, death, learning.The trick being to learn so much it takes a long time and no need to reincarnate back into this troubled world.-------------------
If you are interested in learning about Magnetic Therapy please visit and follow the link to courses
You will find it a rewarding study, both for yourself and for those you help through the knowledge you will gain.