I am the founder of Nancy Nicholas Inner Peace Healing and an energy therapist specializing in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). For the past 30 years, I have been coaching others to improve their health, both physically and emotionally, lose weight, gain self-esteem, increase energy, and reach personal goals. I realized early in my career that most of these problems stem from past experiences, trauma, or limiting, negative beliefs that we hold on to. I also came to realize that the healing has to come from the inside.
In my own journey to healing and wholeness from childhood sexual abuse, my quests led me to EFT. Having always possessed a passion for holistic health and alternative healing, I knew immediately that EFT was the answer to my many years of searching.
After practicing and personally using EFT for over eight years, I continue to be amazed at the miraculous and immediate changes I see each day. Using my natural intuition and sensitivity, I am able to tune in to my clients needs and get to the core issues. Not only has this modality changed my life but also the lives of those who come into my office.
My goal as an energy therapist is to enhance the lives of others by helping them to resolve their issues quickly, painlessly and permanently. I have enjoyed considerable success as I have watched lives being transformed in positive, remarkable, and dramatic ways.
I specialize in the release of emotional pain, depression, and anxiety. This is often the result of sexual, physical or emotional abuse that may have occurred in childhood or trauma in earlier years. It may manifest as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, anger, grief or even fear. An ongoing, difficult life-situation or a crisis can also cause one to become "stuck" or emotionally paralyzed as the energy system becomes blocked.
The use of EFT can remove these blocks and rapidly bring the mind, body and spirit to a state of balance and complete harmony. Once the blocks from the painful memories or limiting beliefs have been removed, they will not return. Only then, can one experience the ultimate level of peace, joy and happiness.
If you are feeling overwhelmed and are ready to change your life, EFT is your answer. Call for a free twenty-minute consultation. EFT is just as effective over the phone, so your location or distance is not a problem.
There are no coincidences...you were guided here for a reason!
Be careful of what you are doing at all times. Someone is watching and you will be an influence to them. Mamie Ballard, My mother
Always guard your good name. Jim Ballard, My father...my hero
Pretty is as pretty does. Malissa Edwards
Thoughts from Nancy
You cannot change what happened in your past. You can't even control all the things in your daily life. You can, however, change how the past and present affect your future.
The events in our life are not truly what make us who we are. How we choose to let them affect us becomes the determining factor in who we become.
Visit Nancy at http://www.nancynicholas.com
Email: nancy@nicholasgroup.net
Phone: (435) 452-8519
Nancy Nicholas Inner Peace Healing
Jordan Health and Wellness
10393 South 1300 West Suite 102
South Jordan, UT 84095