I’ve had many careers in my life. I started off in banking but that proved too staid and male oriented for my personality. I veered off into Customer Service and Operations Management which was much more to my liking but I always felt that something was missing. That “something” was passion.
About a year ago I became involved with a community of women know as Team Northrup. I guess you could say that we are disciples of Dr. Christiane Northrup, a wise and gracious woman with a feisty spirit and a passion for sharing her knowledge and experience. After meeting Dr. Northrup and reading some of her books I became a certified health and wellness junkie. At last, I had found my passion!
Because of my own struggle with weight – this particular area naturally became my focus. This led to many other discoveries about living a healthy life. I figured that the best way to reach out and to share with other women was to create this woman's guide to total health and wellness.
I believe that deep down at some level we all want to live a healthy life. We all want to look good and feel good. We want to thrive!
My passion is to share with you all the information that I have learned along the way. What I can say without a shadow of a doubt is that there seems to be a conspiracy to keep us in a place that is not optimal wellness.
So tune in and lend an ear. Total health is a journey and I hope you will hop on board with me for what promises to be an informative, illuminating and fun ride.