Michael Manning began studying metaphysics, energy, the Law of Attraction, healing, and Eastern and Western philosophies in 1968. Ordained in 1969, Michael has studied many religions and philosophies in his ongoing quest for understanding truth.
In his quest for personal development and finding peace, love and joy, Michael also tried many other things, including but not limited to therapy, meditation, NLP, reading books, attending workshops, firewalking, breath work, and re-birthing, but had very little results. Then Michael tried Dynamism and was thrilled with the results. The major results include: being much more in control of his life and his truth, many of the fears and negative emotions he used to have just melted away, blocks to abundance have been removed, and being freed from the scripts of other people. From this his personal development and spiritual growth have accelerated tremendously.
Michael’s mission is to teach, inspire and empower people to create the life of their dreams, full of love, joy, peace and freedom. As a Dynamism Clearing Practitioner, Michael empowers people to remove barriers, become more aware of their abilities, and to create a more meaningful life. Michael listens without evaluation or invalidation, guiding you to look within to find both conscious and unconscious barriers that keep you trapped in unwanted patterns. He also helps you achieve personal sovereignty through Dynamism processes, a staircase to personal freedom.
Dynamism is a practical philosophy founded by Enid Vien and based on the study of life energy, including its properties, creation, and potentials. Dynamism also includes methods of healing through understanding the life force and its relationship to the whole person.
Dynamis coaching and clearing is based on the idea that you really do know what you are doing and thinking, you’ve just simply buried the knowledge. In times of stress, loss, or moments of anguish you came to some conclusions and probably learned some lessons that are no longer appropriate to the current circumstances. From these conclusions and lessons you formed principles to operate by. They probably worked for you at some time in the past, but in examining them you will find they are definitely working against you now. They have become blocks, barriers, or invisible ceilings. They’ve become so much a part of your operating principles that you can’t put your finger on them. Part of the function of a Dynamis Clearing Practitioner is to help you find, uncover and re-examine those old lessons, conclusions and “givens”.
Dynamism is NOT therapy, NLP, or anything weird. Dynamism never assumes you are broken in any way. In simple terms, Dynamism is the study of life energy and the development of methods to help remove barriers that that impede one's natural ability to flow strongly. Dynamism is a procedure to help you get better results in your life. The procedures and processes of Dynamism steer the person to independent thought, personal sovereignty, and respect for the sovereignty of others.
Individuals know intellectually that they wish to change their attitudes. They also know the ideas and patterns they want to have, but emotionally deep down they believe they cannot. Even when a person affirms and asserts their optimistic beliefs over and over, the pattern formed at the time of a wound still comes into play when the person is under pressure. Clearing relieves this! (See the benefits of clearing) All the affirmations in the world will not remove the earlier belief. It has been there so long it has grown roots.
A Clearing Practitioner is a person who is trained in learning to effectively assist you in regaining your individuality, self-esteem and determinism. A Practitioner is not a therapist, advice giver, or psychologist. We do not use hypnotism or any technique that lessens the individual's control. We are essentially listeners who guide you to discover your own point of view and to make your own decisions. No one knows you better than you!
As a trained Clearing Practitioner Michael is dedicated to Dynamism's philosophical approach to spirituality and bringing out the Best in People!
"A human being is part of the whole called by us 'the universe', a part limited by time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and our affections to a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."
---- Albert Einstein
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
---- William Morrow
"We were not created to be eaten by anxiety, but to walk erect, free, unafraid in a world where there is work to do, truth to seek, love to give and win."
---- Joseph Ford Newton
Visit my web page at http://michaelgmanning.com or call me at 541-400-9940
Highest Good Of All, Inc.
13215 SE Mill Plain Blvd, Ste C8-545
Steamboat Springs, CO 80477