Michael Eichenberg began his quest for realistic self protection more than 25 years ago. He studied traditional and sport martial arts until finding the self protection martial art of Ninjutsu. His lifelong study earned him the rare title of "Senior Instructor" in the art of To-Shin Do Ninjutsu and the title of "Master Teacher" in Aiki Ninjutsu. Mr. Eichenberg owns and operates Warrior's Edge Martial Arts, located in Naperville, Illinois.
Mr. Eichenberg's extraordinary devotion to learning and teaching realistic self protection established him as an authority on personal development and self protection through the martial arts. Mr. Eichenberg's lifelong quest includes the following accomplishments:
Mr. Eichenberg has has the opportunity to teach military and law enforcement officers as well as civilians the warrior secrets for self protection and success in all areas of life.
The martial arts have long provided secrets to living a successful and fulfilled life but this information has only been passed onto those who were willing to dedicate their lives to training. I believe that these secrets should be shared with anyone who feels they could benefit from the experience. That is why I teach seminars and lectures to those who are not involved in martial arts but wish to utilize these well guarded secrets to help them master life!
The best way to learn about us is to visit our websites at www.thewarriorsedge.com or for specific information on our SAFE programs and conflict resolution training you can visit us at www.LiveASafeLife.com
Michael Eichenberg
Warrior's Edge Martial Arts
712 West 5th Avenue
Naperville, IL 60563
(630) 416-1946