Welcome to my expert page.
I think it is important for you to know the person who is behind the programs, books and coaching services that you are considering to assist in your journey of change, growth and evolution.
My main intention for this section is to give you an idea of my philosophy on life and how living by it defines who I am. If there is anything I don't mention that you would like to know, please just ask. My journey has crossed with your journey for a reason and that is something to be honored and embraced.
Transition Coaching (using the Law of Attraction as a foundation) is a passion of mine. I have been helping people for most of my life in one way or another to shift from what isn't working to what does work (constrast is actually a blessing for it assists in discovering truth).
In fact, it is through experiencing a lot of contrasts that I discovered my own true calling. When I finally discovered (through what has now become my two signature programs -- "Your Purpose. The Guide to Turning Desires into Reality" and "Being Spiritual Doesn't Mean Being Poor! How to remove what blocks you from making money and creating happiness" -- documenting how I made my transition and how you can also), I realized that the "life purpose and professional calling" I kept asking for signs of from the universe was right in front of me — or inside of me — all along. It is amazing how quickly you can no longer do what you have been doing when you finally "get" what it is that you want and choose to be doing. So, I picked up my belongings from my two corporate positions, where I was the vice president of a market research company and the CEO/Co-owner of a sister company, and began my journey into my authentic life. WHAT AN AMAZING JOURNEY IT HAS BEEN AND CONTINUES TO BE!!
And, like any true journey, when you open new doors, you suddenly become aware of a whole new world of possibilities. My new world included my eventual discovery of Professional Counseling. I realized my true gifts of pattern identification, conflicting intentions identification and source problem identification could be expanded and applied in a much deeper and more poignant way by obtaining my LPC. Through the integration of counseling and coaching, transitions become longer-lasting and my clients can find a much richer and more meaningful connection to purpose and spirit.
I believe that through the integration of coaching and counseling much of what has been missing from both fields will create a force that cannot be denied in helping people begin to live truly authentic and connected lives. Counseling allows for a deeper probe into the patterns and blocks that are being held by the subconscious and coaching provides the tools and the action to embrace and integrate those elements so that you have a clear slate for pure, focused intending -- which the Law of Attraction states is how we create that which we most desire.
My philosophy in life is pretty straight-forward. I believe you create the life you live. There are no exceptions. Ever. I don't believe in accidents, coincidences or luck. I believe that everything that is in your life is there for a reason. Those reasons are created by you either consciously or subconsciously (deliberately or by default). That which is energetically given, comes back to you mirrored in the people, lessons, opportunities, challenges…and life you live (Law of Attraction as well as the other universal laws). The challenge is discovering what is going on and why. When you become aware of what energies you are sending out, you can choose the things you really want! The exciting thing is that EVERYTHING is possible when you know you are the one in control of your life.
I love the quote by Marcel Proust that says, "The real voyage of discovery consists not in making new landscapes, but in having new eyes."
When you change your perspectives, you change everything. But first, you have to know what those perspectives are and why they are there. Embrace not resist is the only way through.
The work is fascinating and amazing. The return is immeasurable! PLUS, it is never too late to start. Today is the first day of the rest of your life (trite, but SO true). The programs, books and services I offer are geared toward teaching you how to get more of what you really want and less of what you don't. The methods I have developed are simple, yet profound. They don't ask you to step outside of your comfort zone, they simply show you how to find that zone again. I would love to hear what is on your mind, in your soul and a part of your destiny.
Coming July 5th!!
Co=Creation Cafe,
where energy, emotion and inspiration
are on the menu every call!
Please visit my website for the many inspiring quotes that have shifted and reframed my journey when most needed.
Please visit my Getting Started Page on my website for full details on all the services, programs and products available to assist in your journey:
Melissa Jean Quiter
email: Quiter@Texas.net
phone: 512-341-0556
website: www.ProvocativeCommunications.com