Maryann Candito the Magical Living Coach!
Maryann Candito offers help for women to Release, Discover and Move On After Divorce. Maryann is a certified Law of Attraction Coach and EFT Practitioner. Her sessions utilize a unique approach to coaching which includes the powerful technique of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). By releasing limiting beliefs and emotional baggage left over from divorce, the pathways to achieve desires are cleared. When you feel better, gain more clarity, intend your desires, put forth the action steps, and get rid of the baggage; creating an amazing life after divorce will unfold quite naturally. Many years before Maryann became a certified life coach, she was blessed to have worked with Deepak Chopra at the Chopra Center for Well Being in Southern California. This was the beginning of her path to transformation and helping others with their personal transformations. It has always been Maryann's strongest desire to help others and make a difference in this world. An eternal optimist, Maryann approaches life with a can do attitude and it's her mission to assist others in their plight to happiness, success, and wellbeing! You can live an amazing life filled with an abundance of happiness, love, success, and money, Maryann would love to help you achieve all of that and more!
Maryann Candito offers assistance for YOU to take back YOUR Life and achieve a healthier, happier and more abundant you. Using the Magical Living Approach, which includes EFT, you release your old programs, blocks and deep seeded emotional issues that trigger you to overeat, emotional eat, binge eat or simply eat the wrong foods.
Being overweight is seldom about the food.
By getting rid of the baggage, we clear the path for us to make better choices, we operate less on automatic pilot and more on conscious choices. We eliminate the need for willpower or deprivation because we are reprogramming our body mind and energy system. The end result is vibrant health, increased happiness and abundance in all areas of our life. After releasing the gunk, we simply feel better and by feeling better we manifest our desires which leads us to living a Magical Life!
Maryann is a certified Law of Attraction Coach and EFT Practitioner. Her sessions utilize a unique approach to coaching which includes the powerful technique of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique).
When you feel better, gain more clarity, intend your desires, put forth the action steps, and get rid of the baggage; creating an amazing life will unfold quite naturally, and any excess weight will fall off.
Many years before Maryann became a certified life coach, she was blessed to have worked with Deepak Chopra at the Chopra Center for Well Being in Southern California. This was the beginning of her path to transformation and helping others with their personal transformations.
It has always been Maryann's strongest desire to help others and make a difference in this world. An eternal optimist, Maryann approaches life with a can do attitude and it's her mission to assist others in their plight to happiness, success, and wellbeing!
You can live an amazing life filled with an abundance of happiness, good health, love, success, and money, Maryann would love to help you achieve all of that and more!
Time to finally release that which is holding you back from your greatness! ~ Maryann Candito
If you ask for a sign because you are unsure of your path, then a sign will show up if it's the path you desire. If you really don't want to take that path then a sign will clearly be absent!
~ Maryann Candito
Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. ~ Rumi
Do or Do Not, there is no Try - Yoda
If you're interested in working with Maryann, visit her website at: or call 503-245-1205 to set up a Coaching assessment interview to see if her coaching style resonates with you.
There are various packages available and if you don't see one that fits, Maryann will be willing to design one specially to meet your needs.