Dr. Martin Luthke is a clinical psychologist with a strong metaphysical bent as well as a very practical side. He is a carpenter and cabinetmaker by training, has been a researcher, author and teacher in the area of psychology, and for the past 20 years a psychotherapist and metaphysical teacher and healer. A Diplomate, Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP), he is the founder and director of the Institute of Psychoenergetic Healing. Martin is married to a wonderful woman, Linda Stein-Luthke, who is a metaphysical teacher, author, healer, and channel of the Ascended Masters. The healing methods they have developed are described in their book Beyond Psychotherapy: Introduction to Psychoenergetic Healing.
Dr. Luthke has (co-) authored numerous books and articles in the field of Applied Metaphysics, healing, and psychology. The websites www.u-r-light.com, www.expansionpublishing.com, and www.healing-light-therapy.com provide more information on Linda's and Martin's publications, their work, and their teaching activities.
HEALING INTENSIVES: We offer personal Healing Intensives in a beautiful setting in Bavaria, Germany for emotional healing and spiritual growth. Please visit www.healing-light-therapy.com for details.
PSYCHOENERGETIC HEALING: We offer individual sessions (in person or by phone) as well as training to become a practitioner of Psychoenergetic Healing. Please visit www.u-r-light.com for details.
All of Creation is vibration. Once we understand and embrace this energetic paradigm, we can understand the process of manifestation. All manifestation originates on the higher planes. Applied to the areas of healing, the manifestation of health or ill-health is an expression of harmonious or disharmonious energies. All healing is possible -- but "talking about it" is rarely enough.
"The mind has all the questions -- the heart has all the answers."
We are multi-dimensional, eternal Beings of Light, co-creators of our personal universes. This Light is omni-present, omniscient, benevolent, loving, accepting, and nurturing. We are inseparably connected to all and everything and to the Creator Source.
As a clinical psychologist, energy-based healer, author, and metaphysical teacher I am eager to share with you what we have been blessed to learn on our journeys toward healing and awakening. Our 13 publications, the Ascended Masters Newsletter (free), and our websites www.u-r-light.com and www.healing-light-therapy.com are a good place to start. Feel free to contact us with any questions you might have!
Peace and Blessings,
We WELCOME your messages or questions! Please contact us through any of our websites: