I apprenticed to master astrologer Ellias Lonsdale from 1987-1994, learning a new form of astrology called Star Genesis, which uses the birth chart as a window to the soul. Since then I've helped thousands of people throughout the world get in touch with their soul purpose. The tale of my mystical apprenticeship is told in my first book, 2012: Crossing the Bridge to the Future, published in April, 2008 by Frog Books in conjunction with Random House. In mystery school, we studied spirit teachings which view the year 2012 as a great transformation for humanity.
"If you want to change a world, change its story."
--Mark Borax, 2012: Crossing the Bridge to the Future
A great source of inner power is contained in each human being. I help paint soul portraits of who you are inside and how to release that power. If we each do this, we'll break out of the Trance of Normalcy, and the world will change.
My website markborax.com explains my work as an astrologer and author in detail, including a downloadable brochure and testimonials. It also provides a link to my book, 2012: Crossing the Bridge to the Future, which tells a mystical adventure story of how I learned my trade by apprenticing to a wizard in the woods.