I am a believer… Learning to trust your higher self and your inner wisdom is what life’s purpose is all about. Become your own master by being a disciple of life…Emerson
Revealing the unconscious by playing ...
Marc Emerson Denault graduated from the University of Ottawa in recreology as a leisure consultant in special needs and also from St Paul University as a facilitator in human relationships. Concerned by linking leisure and awareness, he designed self empowerment games that give you the opportunity to tap into your inner potential.
His work has evolved from personal growth workshops to setting up specific approaches in educational environments and also integrating their games and tools as becoming specialist within drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers.
He welcomes the opportunity to design and adapt his different games and tools to suit your own working environment.
Games and tools that allow you to reveal your unconscious mind ...
Self empowerment is all about becoming one with yourself .You know the feeling when you reach this state of certainty ,this yes moment ...
Marc Emerson Denault
Each and everyone has a different experience of self empowerment
The triplium cards are designed to release your inner feelings and your innate potential so you can reach that state of awareness of your higher self .
The triplium cards will not necessary give you answers ,although sometimes they will confirm strongly your own vision ,but one thing is sure is that they will provide you with great dynamic clues that will bring you to discover your own truth. The secret of the Triplium lies in its ability to bring you in direct connection to your higher self and its unique introvision technique, the simultaneous use of the right and left brain, moving easily from the inner self to your outer self, making the right choices that respect your inner desires... Enjoy the experience of Self Empowering yourself with the Triplium...
You can reach me as follows
Marc Emerson Denault
25 rue Beaumont
St Charles Borromée ,Québec
J6E 7K4
Phone :450-755-4801 (e.s.t.)
e-mail :triplium@videotron.ca
web site: www.triplium.com