Before I dive into telling you all about my career, my life purpose, my education, and my years of experience, I’m going to use this page to introduce you to how I can help you change your life and fill it with more joy, awareness, emotional creativity, passion, knowledge, intimacy, beauty, freedom to express yourself, and purpose – right now!
It’s pretty simple really, as your Life Practitioner Coach my job is to act as a guide to support you in your efforts to change your life by helping you stay motivated, focused, and organized. More importantly, I will hold you accountable so that you actually get things done; and I will make you laugh as we have a good time doing this together. I have over 17 years doing this, and I love it.
The great thing about Life Practitioner Coaching is that you get the chance to talk openly in a relaxed, safe, confidential environment with someone who really cares about your hopes, passions, goals, dreams, ideas, and all the other stuff that really matter to you and that makes you tick. Whether you want to completely reinvent or change your career, navigate a major life transition, or re-imagine the next phase of your life, I am here to guide you. Life practitioner Coaching isn’t about religion; it’s about helping you create a meaningful, creative, purposeful, and passionate life-style.
More about My PurposeLuis Garcia is a renowned Holistic Practitioner, Life Coach, Teacher, Author, Public Speaker and Independent Commercial and Residential Real Estate Professional Investor who teaches a method of self-inquiry in which the participant learns to awaken their own unconscious creative potential, their talents, gifts, and natural creative abilities. As the participant, he teaches you how you can have the ideal life you want by the use of your creative power and natural abilities, so you can manifest your dreams and happiness. Garcia is available for private sessions and for groups and organizations.
My vision is to create and participate in a network of like-minded people and organizations dedicated to improving ourselves, our environment, and our businesses, by becoming a catalyst for creating abundance, health and improved quality of life for ourselves, our community and our world. As we make conscious choices and ever improving relationships in a win-win for all parties.
All of my Books, Audios, Seminars, Private Session and related subject areas offer their participants an accelerated learning environment including both tools and the know-how to use them. This is a focused educational experience that allows all participants understand the natural laws of our feelings, thoughts, and the choices we can choose from- that is of personal truth. Imagine learning a system that makes it easy for you to administer your feelings. A system creatively designed directly from the natural laws of life, that we call physics. It is truly a modern day instruction manual to have and to, ultimately, receive.
All of my Seminars, Books, Audio, and Private Session are gear to tap and awaken the participant unconscious potential, such as ones talents, gifts, and natural abilities. To know how to access and utilize ones natural abilities to create and have the ideal life you want and are in need of having because it is your life’s mission and obligation to experience. My Books, Audios, Seminars, and Private Session will awaken the brightest minds of today and tomorrow by empowering them to research the trends, themes, and technological advancements of the subconscious mind that are prevalent within the participants. Contact and/or follow Luis so you too can have the ideal life you want and are in need of to, not only manifest your dreams, but also to experience that happiness that before now always eluded you in references to the things you want, and who you are!
Although we are constantly growing and changing, many feel emotionally trapped, afraid, and mentally confused about something that is slowing their growth and keeping them from living their purpose and/or their life’s personal success. As a practitioner, I create supportive relationships with my clients – friends and help them explore and discuss their feelings related to a variety of life’s challenges. If you have fears that stop you from living your life’s purpose and/or personal success, or if you feel confused about your role in the present state of the world, and within yourself, I can assist you in becoming more aware of what is impeding your growth.
As this take place, the result is YOU will maximize your productivity and create stronger and reliable relationship with your friends, family, and clients within your business as you will learn how to position yourself for emotional wealth and financial abundance. As you live your purpose and your life personal success you will become clearer, grounded, relaxed, focused, confident, and empowered in your life as you unlock your natural talents, gifts, and abilities. I will help you to recognize and embrace your own power to heal and your ability to make positive changes in your life so you can live your ideal life, and fulfill your life’s personal success. After all, it is your birthright!
A Brief History:
At the age of six, Luis Garcia began an apprenticeship with a teacher who revealed his advanced interpersonal and spatial intelligence by instructing him within the art of human behavior and its energetic principles. Through his childhood training and later, 20 years of research and studies of quantum physics, metaphysics, NLP, hypnosis, white tantric yoga, kundalini yoga, all kind of energy work, psychology and human behavior, dance, acting, and rituals within powerful sacred places, Luis discovered and put together simple tools and techniques of how we can be in charge of our lives by staying connected to the Universal force and using feelings; all of them, “good” and “bad”; as guides, hence, the physics and the laws of energy and consciousness.
Within this class we will examine your current processes (purpose, value, and creative talents). You also will define your ideal processes – what you want – and move from the ways you have been operating to more of your ideal satisfied life. We will focus primarily on developing your ability to govern and direct your thoughts and feelings to live to your highest potential of love, intimacy, and creativity. As you improve your individual emotional creative intelligence and know how to access your internal resources, you will apply that to your life skills to attain success. You can expect to quickly and permanently improve the quality of your life by changing the habits that create your life.
The purpose of these classes is to assist you to dramatically and permanently improve who you are and move beyond your limited circumstances. You will understand the underdeveloped and developed aspects of the chakra system and how that translates into human behavior. This seminar will also reveal you’re mental, emotional, and physical energetic blue print – based on how your chakras are aligned within the underdeveloped and developed aspect of the chakras system.
This knowledge will help you develop the ability for you to know how to track, discern, and facilitate your evolution, to realize your full human potential, by identifying and effectively addressing your underdeveloped qualities and the know how in transforming them into develop qualities so you can become your own conscience governing system to live your fulfilled life moment to moment. The benefit of this information will improve your skills to promote and manifest success in your life emotionally, Intimately, and Financially, literally! For many participants, this is the start of a new chapter of their life while for others it is a continuation of their education. All have found it to be an excellent use of their time and resources.
Creating a healthy ego/personality is about meeting and learning to experientially understand and love those parts of our human psyche that we have judged, alienated and denied in ourselves. The parts that we consider unacceptable and unpleasant do not just go away; we push them to places deep inside of us. Burying these parts cause us to create a shadow self (or wounded ego/personality) that we see reflected in others. This shadow self-projects its hurts onto others while protesting in a destructive way, either aggressively or passive-aggressively. We may not even be aware that we are doing so; but this pattern contributes to confusion in relationship of all kinds, causing the loss of ability to communicate true feelings. You also lose your power, creativity and individuality in the process.
With nurturing guidance, the goal is to reclaim the shadow self by stepping into the shadow and becoming familiar with its reality. There you can begin making conscious choices to bring the wounded ego/personality into acceptance. When this takes place, profound changes can be made from within, such as: reducing the stress in your life from the inside out; allowing much clearer communication with yourself and others in the expression of true feelings; bringing yourself into wholeness and unity, and finding a peace within that you carry everywhere you go. The effect is both internal and external—in both your business and personal life.
This process will enable you to be in charge of your life as you discover the part of your soul that has been ignored, repressed, and lost. This is an opportunity for you to experience for yourself how questioning your stressful beliefs can bring you and your loved ones greater freedom and joy. You actually clear these beliefs and free them by giving them a voice. Meanwhile, you celebrate your revelations. So remember to take time to hang out and expand yourself from the inside out.
Written by:
Luis A Garcia
Awaken, discover, access, and mature your innate Talents, Gifts, and natural Abilities. Once accessed, then own these qualities and experience the richness of them and the fullness you feel with yourself. This itself will bring you into a deeper love for yourself. See your value and your intuitive wisdom that is your truth equal to others. Own your value in the world’s evolution. Delight in expressing your abilities and live your real life with power and love. Good journey to you!
By: Luis A. Garcia
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