Lisa Pasbjerg, DCSW, CMC, ACC is an accomplished executive coach and leadership development consultant who works with both individuals and organizations to create powerful and positive change. Her own professional experience spans over 20 years and includes leadership roles in both the for-profit and not for-profit sectors, both domestic and international in scope. Lisa has served as adjunct faculty at a number of colleges and universities including the University of Michigan, and is the founder and CEO of Focused Coaching, LLC, based in Ann Arbor. A Certified Mentor Coach, Lisa did her graduate work at the University of Michigan. She holds the DCSW, the highest national credential in her field. She is a professional certified member of ICF (The International Coach Federation), and PCAM (Professional Coaches of Michigan.) She also is an active member locally with GAASHRM (Greater Ann Arbor society of Human Resource Managers), the Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce, NEF (The New Enterprise Forum) and WXW (Women’s Exchange of Washtenaw.) Lisa and her associates work primarily with physicians, executives, managers and "high potential" professionals and leaders in their field in order to help them achieve their top performance while maintaining a healthy life and work balance that matches their personal values.