I am a Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner, EFT Success Coach and Trainer based in Cambridge, UK. I helps holistic coaches, therapists and conscious business owners overcome the fear of sales and marketing so they can get their message out, reach more people and make a bigger difference in the world.
I offer sessions in person or by phone/Skype. I run AAMET accredited EFT trainings from basic to practitioner level, and an EFT and Law of Attraction Self-Help group.
To book a fre*e half-hour Discovery Session, send an email to linda@eft-essex.co.uk with 'I want to book a Discovery Session' in the subject line.
“What I firmly believed was incurable lifetime depression has been overcome by persistent use of EFT. The telephone sessions were quite amazing. It was wonderful to be in my own environment while receiving one-to-one therapy. The best of both worlds I would say!” L.M.
“I got on the flight and was absolutely fine. In fact I thoroughly enjoyed it all, especially the second take-off after we had to drop passengers at Manchester” Mrs C.
“My son Ben (10) had an increasing fear of the dentist … Thank you for what has been a life-changing experience for Ben” Mrs N.
The EFT 'Discovery Statement'
'The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system'
This simple statement has profound implications - EFT is such a wonderful, empowering tool that can be used by anyone and everyone to release the negative emotional load, accumulated from the past, which burdens the system and limits our capacity to realise our true potential.
It's not what happens to us that matters, it's the meaning we give to it. Using EFT we can rewrite the script from a new perspective, keep all the 'learnings' and leave the emotional pain where it belongs - in the past!
To find out more, please visit my website where you can download a free Tapping Script to 'Raise Your Vibration to the Positive'. Or send an email to linda@eft-essex.co.uk with 'I want to book a fre*e half-hour Discovery Session' in the subject line.