Main Areas: Personal Development, Mind Development, Self-Mastery, Integrative Mind-Body Medicine, Entrepreneurial Skills
Career Focus: Helping people create themselves and take back control of their mental, emotional, and physical health and well being. I help people develop interpersonal skills that greatly improve their personal and professional relationships and ability to perform in a much more effective manner.
Linda Gadbois, DES, CCHt – is a professional Artist, Author, Educator, Counselor and Consultant. She's a Doctor of Spiritual (Esoteric) Sciences specializing in Education, Training and Mentoring in the areas of Creative Mind Development, Personal Transformation, Spiritual Sciences, Creativity and the Energetic Healing Therapies.
She holds a Doctorate in Spiritual Sciences with a BS in Clinical Hypnotherapy along with multiple specialty certifications in healing and transformative technologies. She is Board certified in “Past Life Regression”; a Master Practitioner and Trainer of NLP; Certified Health & Success Coach; a Master Practitioner & Trainer for Energy Healing Therapies; and an ordained Minister of Spiritual Sciences (Shaman); and Diplomat of the International Assembly of Spiritual Healers and Earth Steward.
Dr. Linda specializes in: Transformative Education and developing Skills for Personal Transformation (Self-Creation through Self-Mastery), Creative Mind Development – Psychological skills, Advanced Communication skills, Creativity & Innovation – Mastering the Creative Process in all areas of your life;
Spiritual Sciences (Knowledge that provides the means for Personal Growth, deeper understanding, and Healing)
Energy Medicine – working from the energetic level of “cause”
Entrepreneur Training for Doctors, Practitioners, Consultants, Psychologists, Artists, and Educators, Integrative Medicine Practitioners – helping people make life-style changes that are desired and beneficial to the health and mental and emotional well-being
Getting Started With Dr. Linda Gadbois
For more information about my services and classes, visit my web-site at:
I offer complementary consultations to get aquainted, find out about your needs, and see if we'd be a good fit.
Contacting Dr. Linda Gadbois