Kim is a master trainer who helps people set and achieve their goals. Following a terrific 15 year career in the advertising and publishing world, Kim found her true calling as an Independent Consultant and National Vice President for Arbonne International. Kim inspires and trains people to do what they never thought possible and live life with vision and balance. She is a Certified Leadership Coach and co-Author of Boys Before Business: The Single Girls Guide to Having It All. After studying the Law of Attraction and Success Principles with Jack Canfield, Kim saw a need to help people get started in the manifesting process and she is a co-creator of The Dear God Letter Process, which helps people take the first step to reaching their goals and dreams.
Go online and bring up the Dear God Letter website located at
When you arrive, look for the blue box on the right hand side that says, “The Dear God Letter Facebook Application – Get It Here.” Click on this box which will take you out to Facebook.
If you have a Facebook account, please enter your user email account and password.
If you don’t have a Facebook account, take a moment to follow the directions to sign up for your account and then go into Facebook.
Once you log into Facebook, follow the instructions on the screen to add the Dear God Letter application to your Facebook profile. This will give you access to this easy-to-use interactive tool.
Once you have approved the application, get ready to write your first letter.
Pick the topic area that is most important to you: relationships, health, finance, career or happiness. Then select something specific for which you’d like to write about in your first letter. Focus your attention, mind, body and soul on this topic. Get clear in your mind about what you want.
Now, you’re ready to write your letter.
Using the Facebook application, scroll down to the bottom of the page and register with your name and email address to take the next step into the application.
Now it’s time to create your letter. Follow the steps on the screen.
Step One – Salutation
Ask God for what you want and articulate by when you want it.
Step Two – Pick Your “Must Have” Traits
The “Must Have” traits are the most important. These are your non-negotiables. These are your absolutes. If this quality isn’t met, it would be a deal-breaker.
Step Three – Pick Your “Would Like” Traits
These are traits that are important and would be great to have, but are not deal-breaker traits.
Step Four – Pick Your “Dream” Traits
“Dream” traits represent the icing on the cake. These are your "wow" traits, your bonus traits, but again not deal-breakers.
Step Five – Closing
Express gratitude and sign your name.
Once you finish your letter in Facebook, click on the Share button at the bottom and share it with friends you know on Facebook. Print it out and read it daily. Carry it with you in your pocket, wallet or purse. Spend a few minutes each day visualizing and focusing on what your life will be like when your goal is met and your dream is achieved.