Kerri Miller is a Holistic Health Practitioner, coaching those seeking better health by integrating Nutritional Coaching, Energetic Healing, Aromatherapy and other natural therapies into customized, empowering wellness programs. She is also a Feng Shui Consultant, assisting homeowners and business owners in creating spaces that reflect their best harmony, support and comfort. Kerri is the founder of Holistic Living Resources, a company dedicated to creating awareness of the natural therapies available to support a healthy, balanced, holistic lifestyle and to empowering people to take control of their own well-being using holistic tools including Feng Shui, Nutrition, Herbs, Aromatherapy, and Reiki. Her mission is to inspire others to live an abundant, joyous and healthy life that is guided by one’s own inspiration and intuition. Kerri is also a teacher and professional speaker, facilitating programs for individuals and organizations on topics on Holistic Wellness, Aromatherapy and Feng Shui. She maintains a company website: and publishes Holistic Living News, a free monthly e-zine for those that are interested in Feng Shui and other tools that encourage well-being.
Kerri is a graduate of the Natural Healing Institute in Encinitas, CA, where she studied Holistic Health, focusing on Nutrition, Herbalism, and Aromatherapy. She is also a graduate of the Western School of Feng Shui in San Diego, CA where she has studied both Form and Compass Feng Shui. Kerri has also trained as a Reiki Master, and continues to expand her abilities in all forms of energetic and intuitive healing.
Join me by phone for monthly free calls where I'll be talking with experts in different wellness modalities including Hypnotherapy, Life Coaching, Homeopathy, Accupuncture and much more. You are invited to join in the conversation and ask questions of your own of each expert. Learn more about Holistic Resources that may work for you...
Join me for live classes and workshop in the New England area:
Hi, I'm Kerri. The last decade has been one of growth and change for me as I've pursued a path to greater well-being. It all started with a reiki treatement - this experience opened me up to knowing that there was more well-being to be found. I became an Usui Reiki Master, but that was just the start of the journey. . . .
I've continuted on to study nutrition, herbalism, and aromatherapy while becoming certified as a Holistic Health Practitioner. I believe that each of us is blessed with an innate sense of health and wellness, and have sought out many healing modalities that support this natural state. Along my journey I came to know that our environment can also have a huge impact on us. I attended the Western School of Feng Shui for certification as a Feng Shui Consultant, and now use this knowledge to create environments that support health, well-being and encourage good fortune. When we live in harmony with the natural rhythms of our body, mind, spirit and environment our life flows easily for us and well-being abounds.
It is my mission to inspire others to live an abundant, joyous and healthy life that is guided by one's own inspiration and intuition. I do this through wellness coaching, feng shui consultations, at professional speaking and teaching engagements and by writing articles and a newsletter. I'm enjoying collaborating with other Wellness Practitioners and Feng Shui Consultants on special projects. Most of all I'm having fun with the whole process of creating all of these things!
I have created Holistic Living Resources as an avenue to share these tools for living well so others can create inspiration, empowerment and improved well-being in their lives. I offer Wellness Coaching, Consultations in Feng Shui, and Classes on various tools for holistic living. You can find out more about all of these offerings at
I also write a periodic e-newsletter called Holistic Living News, with articles and tips on holistic living. You can sign up to recieve the newsletter here.
I am pleased that your journey to well-being has brought you to here. Feel free to contact me directly if I can be of more inspiration on your path.