In 2008, after experiencing major life changes, Keridak Kae Silk founded Intuitives International. A place for small business owners across the globe to connect for their mutual prosperity. Keri had been in business for herself for many years but she like many she knew were struggling. Traditional marketing techniques felt uncomfortable. Working with energy workers, readers, spiritual teachers and others Keri began Intuitives International.
Keri is an author, trainer and skilled in networking. She sends out a monthly newsletter, is on several social netowrks including twitter ( Facebook & LinkedIn. Beginning in Feb Keri will host a radio show highlighting experts that will help you to Connect, Grow & Prosper.
Keri is also an intuitive, reading tarot cards, providing life coaching and intimacy coaching. Her personal site is She teaches workshops in personal protection, rekindling the romance and Dragon Energy TM
Cell Phone: 303-887-6477 Keridak's services and background. You may schedule your appointment on site. Relationship and Intimacy Coaching for Women 55+ Keridak is a sponsoring minster of the Universal Fellowship. Join us for virtual events.