I have been fortunate to have a life full of change. A native Californian and a graduate of the University of California at Berkeley, it took many years to find my path in life. Many adventures and pitfalls befell me on this quest, and during that time, the last place I thought to look was in the area of my basic affinities and interests! I thought I had to go out and make money and be a part of the status quo. I learned a great deal in those years about people and healing, however indirectly.
Finally being freed of that mindset allowed me to spend several years immersed in the study of the things I love: plants and healing. Eventually I became an herbalist, a certified Flower Essence practitioner through the Flower Essence Society in Nevada City, California, and a certified Jin Shin Jyutsu® practitioner, as well as a dowser and energy worker. Every day I am grateful to be part of the huge flow of energy and beauty in the cosmos, and every day my work is aimed at bringing harmony and well being to my clients as simply and non-invasively as I can.
My practice is aimed at restoring balance and harmony to my clients-- be they human, animal or plant-- through the movement of their energies. For a couple of examples, a sports injury such as tendonitis involves a blockage in a specific area of the body. This blockage can be helped to move by moving the energy at the site using topical plant applications and hands on energy work. A poor sense of self worth can be shifted by clearing the energetic field of all the detritus of the past: the "baggage". Anxiety or post traumatic stress issues, serious illness or injury, as well as basic maintenance of health, can all be addressed by balancing the body's energetic flow and clearing the energetic (electromagnetic) field. A famous Sioux healer once said that everyone can be healed but not everyone can be cured. So much depends on one's path and choices in life but one thing is pretty certain: you CAN bring yourself to the optimal level of that particular time, at any given time, if you so choose. Energy medicine can provide powerful tools to help in this endeavor and my own experiences have taught me that it does, indeed, work to promote health and personal development. Additionally, the modalities that I practice useful for anyone at any stage of life. They are gentle, non-invasive, and completely sourced from the Earth we all share.
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Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.
-Mary Kay Ash
We have to live with peace and joy right away and not wait for the future to do it.
We have to be well right now, right here, peaceful and joyful in the present moment.
There is no way to happiness: Happiness is the way.
-Thich Nhat Hanh
Every cell within us thinks.
-Mary Burmeister
Go to the harmony, not the dirty dishes.
-Mary Burmeister