"Kacy, what are you really passionate about?" asked the big sister.
"It doesn't sound very glamorous, but . . . organizing paper," answered the twenty something with 5 business cards.
I think we all often quietly ask ourselves this question. It wasn’t until I had reached my breaking point with pursuing a handful of interests in addition to my organizing business that I truly heard it and heard my answer even louder. Around the same time, a friend keenly observed, "God made you good at something the rest of the world hates." I knew I needed to not only keep my professional organizing card, but niche to work with a creative population like myself and stick to my strengths: offices and paper.
I was probably about 13 when I created my first filing system. It housed very important items such as lists my friends and I had made about people we wanted to be friends with and what boys we liked. There it sat on my closet floor until I moved out after college. Upon rediscovery, being that organized at 13 in and of itself gave me a good laugh, let alone the categories I had preserved with such honor!
A DC local, it’s no coincidence I was born into a town with so much paper. During college and for a few years after, I worked for a USAID contractor. One of my most memorable jobs was archiving over a hundred busted and torn boxes of files that had come in from a closed project in the Philippines. The funny thing is that this wasn’t in my job description- I volunteered to sort, label, and archive them. The hours flew by and I was in the zone. My largest filing project to date was for what became more than 30 drawers of documents for a multi-million dollar project. Those jobs were working with paper. Now I say I work with people, who just happen to have a lot of paper.
I became a professional organizer immediately after graduating college with a degree in cultural anthropology. If ever forced to return to higher education, I would certainly compile my observations of the messy American office. Back in 2001 there weren’t many people pursuing a career in organizing straight out of college. For me, it was the next natural step. Organizing is the only career I’ve ever known.
I also travel nationwide as a Job Coach, working with government and military employees with cognitive disabilities on organizing and time management skills. Some of my greatest success stories are with these clients- many with ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, or physical limitations. Inspired Offices have popped up in unlikely corners of the US Government.
200 clients later, I’ve learned to embrace the fact that I’m eclectic and have learned how to express that within one very specialized genre of the organizing industry. Once I’m in your office, I’ll tell you what those 5 business cards were . . .
- National Association of Professional Organizers member since 2001
- 6C security clearance
- Insured and bonded