I'm just pretty like you except... (just name them). I trust that attaining success is doing all positive things like setting goals, working hard, proper management of time, being optimistic, doing great work, helping others, following intuition, making good choices, seeking help from God and from people, taking each day at a time and the list goes on. I have come also to understand that life may turn out to be unfair but God remains to be good throughout.
Internet is my platform where I blog and write articles.
My wise words are as follows: It's for the kind of help others sacrificed to offer us that has made us what we are now. We should also offer that help without discrimination for discrimination gets us nowhere other than denying others opportunities that solve a lot of problems in society.
I embrace Entrepreneurship as a professional. I rather work and share positive ideas. I don't waste other people's time. I use internet morally. So, am I a workaholic? That really depends on...
I like reading books, articles and sharing any useful information like pictures and videos with people. That is the reason why I blog.