Joe Crawford is a successful home based business entrepreneur and founder of CreateLiberty.Com, one of the top small business websites on the Internet today. Create Liberty Enterprises is about helping entrepreneurs and small business owners create a lifestyle by design through entrepreneurship and creative strategies for financial and time freedom.
Believing in the addage "Your Business will Get Better When You Do" Joe can help you discover or uncover the purpose that will inspire you to create the lifestyle they most desire instead of maintaining and justifying a life that just isn't cutting it. With a focus on using the Internet to grow and automate income creation and business promotion Joe offers a simple and down to earth perspective figuring out and creating the life you crave.
Whether you want to discuss a small business idea or develop a vision for yourself and your business that will make the difficult challenges seem worth it, coaching is an extremely effective tool to build momentum in reaching your goals. is the head of a solid small business network of websites that recieves over 85k pageviews a month from the search engines. This targeted traffic is specifically comprised of individuals looking for business ideas to start a home business If you are looking for ways to promote your home business, it's a great place to start.
To learn More about having success online, promoting a business opportunity without loosing your shirt, or to browse profitable business ideas you can implement from home , you should just go visit the website.
Create Liberty Enterprises offers an intuitive 90 Day Personal Development Home Study Course. This multi-media self growth/personal devleopment course works from the inside out. People are suffering today from information overload and we've found a better solution than "learning more". This is not a program for the average person. This is a program for the person who is serious about their personal growth and driven to achieve,experience, or develop their hearts desire. For more info email us at
"The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them."
By Alberty Einstein
"Quotes are bits of truth that become the words of that little voice we hear when we need direction or comfort."
By Joe Crawford
"There are going to be changes in your life, why not pick the ones you want."
By Jim Rohn
"Life is like a great motor car, you can use it to drive to far reaching heights, most people, though, get out lay in front of it and blame it for running them over."
By Unknown
"Did you ever see an unhappy horse? Did you ever see a bird that had the blues? One reason why birds and horses are not unhappy is because theyare not trying to impress other birds and horses."
By Dale Carnegie
I talk to people about CreateLiberty.Com, they typically ask how I got started, how I earn money online and If their own business Idea would work. These are all topics I'm willing to talk about.
Due to my personal business and life goals, I'm not interested in doing a bunch of "things" for YOU, I don't operate a service business. That said, the most valuable things I offer don't really cost a bunch of money. I have information that will actually get you started on your own business. Within one week from right now you can be in business. What I offer:
Determine if your business idea is feasible.
Determine a strategy to start your business. (tailored to your goals)
Get started RIGHT the first time.
Show you how to manage our free SEO optimized website solution.
Develop a 6 month, 12 month, and 2 year plan. (tailored to your goals)
We also offer a personal development plan and a cool resource that many decide to make a part of their daily lives.
Get in touch via the contact form on Create Liberty Enterprises' Small Business Blog and we can talk more later.
Phone 989-284-8251 If your from the UK, Austrailia,New Zealand or Canada you can email me at The ball is in your court.
Joe Crawford Can Be Reached Directly: OR Works For E-Mail Contact.
Phone: 989-284-8251 (between 3pm-5pm Eastern)
Visit The High Profit Home Business Blog And Fill Out The Contact Form If You Would Like to Be Contacted With Details Of A Rewarding And Profitable Turnkey Business In The Personal Development Industry.