Jim Phillips is a gifted speaker, author, seminar leader and certified life, spiritual and business coach. For the better part of 30 years he has been an entrepreneur and business leader inspiring others to higher levels of achievement through his presentations and seminars throughout the United States and parts of Europe.
His true passion however is the exploration and application of spiritual law as it applies to prosperity and overall quality of life. One of Jim’s gifts is his ability to help others understand and apply complex spiritual concepts to their personal life.
Jim’s new book, The Key to LIFE, Living In Full Expression, is the result of lifetimes of knowing and understanding he had a very specific message to share of our connection to Divinity. This message was to be shared when the time was right, that time is now. Never has there been a time in the history of humanity when there was a greater need to understand who we are, and why we are here. Never has there been a time in the history of humanity when there have been more people open and receptive to this message.
Jim graduated from James Madison University with a degree in Business Administration and Management. He currently resides in Aldie, VA where he continues his writing, coaching and speaking.
To learn more about Jim’s book, to schedule a book signing or speaking engagement, or inquire about personalized coaching contact Jim at jim@prosperitybydesign.com. www.prosperitybydesign.com
Follow on Twitter at: @inspired10 or FB https://www.facebook.com/authorJimPhillips
Quote from Jim's book, The Key to LIFE, Living In Full Expression:
"We are far more powerful than we believe ourselves to be.
We are far more powerful than we giive ourselves permission to be"
Jim Phillips
What Jim shares is his understanding and experience of "his" truth as he knows it through his life experiences. He shares it with you not to convince you that this is the way life is or should be, but to inspire you to live your life in truth as you see and experience it.
"SIGN UP here for e-news and inspirational messages from Jim Phillips"In conversations with people from all walks of life a common theme continues to surface. People tell me they are not where they thought they would be at this stage in their life. They are frustrated and concerned that life won't or can't get any better.
Too many people are resigned to the "belief" that how life unfolds is out of their control or influence and all they can do is cope as best as they can with what shows up.
I have to admit I had the same feelings and thoughts for a long time until I realized that the life experiences I was having I was creating. Once I took responsibility for my choices and subsequent experiences my life began unfolding as I wanted it to. In fact, as I intended it to!
"Accepting and embracing the truth that we always have choices,
no matter the circumstances,
empowers us to create and experience the life we desire"
What is coaching?
Coaching is an empowering process uniquely designed to create lasting, positive change in one’s life. Through coaching you become consciously aware of your unlimited potential... potential that has always existed, but not fully realized. You come to understand that the only thing between you and the experiences of life you desire are the thoughts and beliefs you hold about who you are and what is possible.
"Our experiences of life are a reflection of our beliefs and subsequent thoughts about life"
Contact Spiritual Life Coach Jim Phillips now and discover answers to the following questions and determine if coaching is right for you:
1. What is it that I desire to experience in and from life?
2. What is preventing me from having these life experiences?
3. How can I create these experiences?
4. How can I discover and fulfill my Soul's purpose?
5. How can I contribute to others while creating the life I desire?
Click here now to schedule your free discovery session and begin creating your prosperity by design!!