Jane Ribinskas started Yogaconcepts about 7 years ago as a result of her journey in self discovery and passion for sharing wisdom knowledge that changed her life positively with individuals cutlivating happiness,soul connections and balance on an inner and outer perspective. Jane is a qualified Yoga teacher and has over 25 years experience in practicing and teaching yoga and other healing modalities. She also has extensive experience in the Corporate market and was in Human resources for over 15 years to senior level management.
Jane currently is the Director of Yogaconcepts wellness Centre our inner City Sancutary where east meets west in harmony offering yoga meditation and personal development workshops. She also provides Health and Wellbeing Solutions to the corporate market. Jane most recently developed www.yogaconceptsonline.com a membership based webite offering individuals the opportunity to practice her personally developed "The Knowing Flow" Vinyasa Sequences via video and listent to Personal development Audios any time 24 hrs. Janes intention is for the greater good of mandkind and to contribute to world peace