Jane Vair Bissler, Ph.D., LPCC-S, FT
Jane is a counselor, teacher, writer and speaker. She has a talent for giving people “ah ha moments” as they develop new spiritual, emotional and mental perspectives on the thoughts and behaviors that create distress in their lives. She is a practicing clinical counselor and clinical director of Counseling for Wellness, LLP. She is a member of the board of directors for the Association of Death Education and Counseling.
Her clinical research and speciality focuses on what has been most helpful for parents who are grieving the death of their child/ren. She has recently completed her first book, Surviving and Thriving: Grief Relief & Continuing Relationships. This book follows her nationally recognized workshop of the same name. This book is available through Jane's office and Amazon.com.
Her second book is Loving Connections: The Healing Power of Afterdeath Communications. This book is a collection of true spiritual events experienced by grievers. It is also available through Jane's office and Amazon.com
Jane writes a weekly grief question and answer newspaper column which is carried on the Counselingforloss website. She has been writing this column since 1990 and receives questions from all over the world. She has keynoted and spoken at a numerous national, state and local conferences. Her presentations are always highly rated and she is often referred to as the "conferences best presenter ".
Jane's most recent article was published in ADEC's Forum in January , 2009. (My Child Has Died, and So Have I! : Grieving the Loss of an Adolescent Child ). She has also recently been interviewed by CNN regarding the tragic death of Jett Travolta.