We live for so many years and spend our life amidst bliss, tears, grudge, satisfaction, anxiety, peace, depression, excitement and many such feelings; the duration of which determines the quality of our life.
Ever ponder how would it be like if happiness or pleasure lasted forever? The mere thought is appealing. Likewise, if we experience grief for a prolonged period, it affects our mind and body negatively. For all that time when we are not too happy or depressed, we feel down and lose interest in normal activities of life. Not many of us realize that we are in absolute control of how we feel and react, to circumstances that trigger a multitude of emotions in us. The key is to hold on the immediate reaction when such a situation arises: it need not be of substantial magnitude, it might be something trivial. The momentary holding on of the immediate reaction saves us from a lot of negative aftereffects.
When we are feeling a mix of emotions, especially negative ones, we feel it’s never going to end. It appears that the times of misery are here to stay and the anguish we suffer will remain till eternity. However, a slight change in the perspective dramatically changes everything. Let us find out how:
While living in time we are always in the process of planning days, months or years ahead. We hardly think about today as we are too engulfed in the severity of the state of current situation. While in essence, today is not even the evening or its noon, it’s not a few hours from now, its ‘now’, it’s ‘this moment’: that I am currently utilizing speaking to you or you are spending reading my word. Assess what is your state of mind at this point in time, at this moment. Because ‘this moment’ is what your life is. It is solid, it is real. It’s in your hand. As soon as you live through it, it is past, no longer in your control. The one following ‘this moment’ is yet to come which is as uncertain as the next million years.
So figure out how do you find yourself in this moment that you are breathing in now. Are you satisfied, content or grieved or demotivated? But understand, whatever you feel, its momentary, and it’s gone before you even realize it, fused into the next moment…this is how long it lasts! So live now rather than living in past or future, because all you have is ‘now’!
LIKE IT? Let me know at ijaffar@gmail.com
Visit http://ijaffar.blog.com for learning the secret of happiness!
There is nothing like experience in life. Its human psychology to experiment. It’s natural. And I have observed that no experiment has a lesson more lasting than the one you have been through yourself. However, the fact remains that if one benefits from other people’s experience, they could accomplish same or more without sacrificing and losing much. Other’s experiences are experiments they have gone through, and they are tested as well with ready results: passed or failed.
With this prelude, I want to present before all my friends who are taking their time out to read my words, my own tested ways that I have been implementing for many years now, and have not yielded any result but positive. Using this approach, I have seen people turn to the best of behavior, noticed development of clarity of own vision, self-polishing and building a sense of respect within the society.
Don’t think telling a lie is an option, let it NOT be:
As a rule, always say the truth. It will never hurt you or anyone. I have experienced that being truthful is always better than mis-stating, twisting or concealing facts. Some think that concealing facts is not a lie, to me, it’s worse than a lie. When you make sure every word you utter is nothing but the truth, and make it a habit to always say the right thing under every circumstance, you will see the positive result coming in. You will see absolute and definite betterment in your own state of affairs, in addition to an overall overhaul of directed behaviors. Plus a fact remains a fact, and it need not be remembered. Those who make an effort to keep saying the truth, don’t have to make an effort to keep revision of made-up statements.
Keep your promise:
A promise is not when you say “I promise”, it’s when you say “Okay, I will do it” or “I will be there”.
Remember, your word defines you and the way you think. It reveals the way you think about treating others. So when you say to your little girl that you will bring her cotton candy on your way back from office or tell your boss that you will do the report by next noon, do it. A commitment by definition means a promise that ‘will’ be kept. When a promise is made, it builds hopes. It is quite easy to imagine how it feels when hopes are shattered. No matter how trivial it is. So ‘do’ what you say because what you say is what you are.
Be a faithful guardian:
You are the owner of your own possessions. Everyone will agree to this. But are you the owner of things others possess? The answer is ‘no’. So if my colleague leaves her handbag with me for safekeeping, or if it’s my friend’s money that they left with me, I have to keep their trust because they have considered me worthy of it. I have no right to make use of things I am not the owner of.
Follow these simple guidelines, and you will note a remarkable change in the quality of your life. Try it!
IF YOU LIKE THIS, LET ME KNOW! ijaffar@gmail.com
Feel free to contact me for any relationship advice, or if you are seeking an easy solution to a problem. My email address is ijaffar@gmail.com