I saw the daylight in Dracula's country, Romania, and now I am established in Valencia Spain, I am speaking fluently five languages and two more half-half, I have the capacity to learn very fast almost everything, and I am passionate of reading and fishing.
Due to an accident last year my life has changed, I can no longer make severe effort with my right hand and I had to start a home business. My intention was not quite the Internet Marketing, but I have found it accidentally, and I started to study it and to apply what I was learning.
I launched a site and a blog in April this year, and after three months I have got PR 2 for my site, using only free advertising, article marketing and social networking and bookmarking. Now I own three website and six blogs in which I am posting frequently, at least twice a week, two Squidoo lenses and nine Hub pages, I wrote three ebooks and more than 50 articles published all over the Internet and my subscribers list grows constantly. I am not outsourcing nothing, I am doing it all myself, and day by day I discover free online tools which make my work easier and faster.
A good organization and a good plan can help everyone to achieve such goals if he has determination to do it, and I am willing to show you for free how you can do it too.
If you dream to get rich over night without working forget it.
"The only place where success comes before work is the dictionary."
A tousand miles journey begins with one step.
Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want.
If you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of your arm.
Vision without action is a daydream, action without vision is a nightmare.
If you always do what you've always done, you will always get what you've always gotten.
Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes of your goals.
The easiest way to succeed is to get started. The more you think the more you lose. There are free options online for evrything, practically, you may start without a penny.
Google offers you free website hosting and free blog, there are and other sites doing that, you may find free autoresponder, but, sooner or later, you will realize that the promoting possibilities are reduced with Google, and with other private sites, you will have to support their ads on your site.
More than this, if you have success, they can cut you the access to the sites and they remain with the constant visitors. Same with a free autoresponder, one day you may see that you lose all your subscribers.
There are web hosting companies which offers you webhosting for shared package for less than $5 per month, which is a great way to start, and you may set unlimited WordPress blogs on your domain, there are good reputation autoresponders for less than $20 per month, so, the total cost to start will be $25, and you are sure that you own your business, that is what I am paying right now.
The rest comes totally for free. On my website, "Affiliate Marketing Step By Step", at http://www.affiliatemarketingsearchenginesupport.com/ and on my blog, "I Am An Affiliate!", at http://www.jks-andrei-ion.affiliatemarketingsearchenginesupport.com/, you may find plenty of information and you may contact me for everything you need.
For any information or question you may contact me at
Please, allow me up to 48 hours to answer to your emails. I just promise that I am always answering to anyone.
Follow me on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/kaydas
Join me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/ion.andrei
All my online sites are here http://www.google.com/profiles/andreiion97