Lady Mey’s personal journey through tragedy created an unquenchable hunger and thirst to transform her inner pain and to once again regain zest for life.
Born with a heart murmur, her life hang in the balance for the first nine days of her life here on planet earth. Unable to breath, the lack of oxygen gave her the affectionate nickname: "Blue Baby". Mystics believe that when a soul's entrance to this world is elongated, "they" want certain channels left open. Mey was anointed with oil by the deacons and elders of the community and family and friends prayers were answered as her heart valve healed yet her intuitive heart remains strongly connected to Love.
At age eleven once again, Lady Mey found herself struggling for her life along with her mother and six siblings. A drunk driver struck their car and their beloved father died. This would send her on a 28 year journey through grief to discover forgiveness and healing.
“What was once the worst day(s) of my life, has now become best day of my life because of who I have become through it all.” - Lady Mey
Like the Phoenix rising from the ashes, she has emerged as a powerful Intuitive, Healer and Guiding Spirit and Inspirational Muse. Her life studies have been dedicated to healing, transformation & empowerment. In 1990, she graduated as a Master Healer from The School of Transformation & Healing, a 3-year spiritual healing course to develop her spiritual/intuitive skills, and knowledge of sacred healing practices. In 2001, she received her Credentials of Ministry from ULC, Ca. and Doctor of Divinity in 2008. In 2006 she completed the curriculum for Living an Extraordinary Life at Landmark Education. She continues to earn CEU credits. Today, she is based in Los Angeles, California offering public speaking engagements, one-on-one and group healings, inspiration & empowerment sessions.
It was during the darkest night of Lady Mey soul's out cry she declared she must literally choose to celebrate life. As a simple tool to focus her mind; Mey created a new email address with "iCelebrate" in it as a reminder to celebrate herself and all that life had brought her way; the "good", the "bad" and the "ugly". iCelebrate.Life continues to grow over the years into a practice now be shared with others for benefit, insights and healing.
It is my honor and joy to assist you to unleash your true essence. Together we will explore, expose and deconstruct the construct of fear and shame that has limited your truth. We are all expressions of the divine, every human being, every animal, insect, fish and creature that shares this planet with us. And we humans are the only creatures that hide our truest thoughts, feelings, desires and are ashamed of our most basic sensual human expressions. We humans have the largest brain and very complex communication methods. We build cities, expound on the nature of being and traverse the globe. With all of this at our finger tips, why are we so afraid of being found out? Why are we so afraid of our Shadow Self? You - of course are aware of the toll that this fearful way of being exacts on your life, on your general relatedness, potency and desire which of course directly impacts on you and your most intimate relationships.
Let's get started!
What shows up on the surface, our outer world (appearance) percolates up from our inner world on a cellular level. I call this micro/MACRO, from the small to the large. micro/MACRO gives us access to the foundation, brick and mortar elements that have subconsciously been put in place to wall off our true self from others. Of course, there are things that are private and should remain private. micro/MACRO process shows how and where to install a bridge, a gate or pass code, to grant access to that special someone, or create a clearing in which the whole world can meet the real you on your own terms. micro/MACRO is not a grueling audit or life shredding deconstruction.
My approach in this journey of self discovery and actualization to freedom is through fun, play and ease. micro/MACRO is not a "talking heads" program; we, as in me and you will get down-n-dirty, exploring and cleaning out the stuff hidden in the caverns of your micro/MACRO worlds; from what you put in your body and by extension, what you put on your body . This approach allows for a deeper "rooting" and comprehension of the reshaping, redefining and transformative process.
We will detox mentally, emotionally, spiritually & physically. Whether we need to revamp the frig, toss the junk snacks, get into the gym or on a hiking trail or attack that closet and get that "use-to-wear" to Goodwill, where it belongs, give your home and office a makeover and we will have a good time doing it!
So come, let’s play, Let’s discover...
• How to let go of shame
• How to realign with your truth
• How to discover and share your hidden desires
• How to be honest and present
• How to create a fresh, new intimate relationship with yourself
• How to listen to and romance you
• How to release judging and be at play in the world
Imagine being so filled and over flowing, how much more freely you have to offer the world from a place of
Abundant Love, Abundant Fulfillment and Abundant Celebration.
"Your whole life make over begins from the inside out! As you acknowledge your shadow and your light and begin living authentically, so you may joyfully declare...I Celebrate Life!"
Having graduated from the School of Transformation and Healing a three year curriculum where the skills needed in healing oneself and others were acquired. Techniques include: flower essences, essential oils, chelation, spine cleaning, restructuring, balancing, clearing and energizing the aura, chakra system and energy field of the body.
Techniques include: flower essences, essential oils, chelation, spine cleaning, restructuring, balancing, clearing and energizing the aura, chakra system and energy field of the body.
Sessions may take place around the world via Skype or in person.
This is the highest recommended service, provided.
Please email for more details.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?” Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” - Marianne Williamson
To Create & Live the Life of Your Dreams Now
Please email me to initiate our first consultation in getting to know each other. It is designed to help build a solid foundation as you reflect on where you've been, where you are and where you wish to go.