I have been in Sales and Marketing for over 30 years. I also trade the currency markets. (forex). I have been a real estate investor since the mid 80's. In the late
60's I joined my first network marketing opportunity, Amway Corp. I have been a home business enthusiast for quite awhile, I have had some major successes and some failures. Now I look for cashflow opportunities that can give me a big return within 90 days. I want to be able to make a minimum of $10,000 within that time frame. This way I can leverage that cashflow into my other activities like trading, real estate, and other home biz opportunities.
Some of the Quotes i try to live my life by are the following.
"You can make money, or make excuses, but you can't do both"
"You don't have to get it right, you just have to get it going"
"Knowledge is power, but action is the key"
"To know and not do, is to really not to know"
"Cash Is King"
Because I have been in the home based business arena for awhile, people ask me all the time what should I do to make money? What company, product, comp plan etc. I honestly believe that when you are starting out if you do not have a 2-5 year plan that you can sustain, your main objective should be cashflow. The program that has taken me to the next level is CashArrives365. For all the facts: Visit