Gaye Chicoine is a professional photographer by trade who loves to travel and experience the world. She is a mom to six life learning entrepreneurial young adults, and partner to husband Ed, chiropractor. After several years working in the photographic profession and teaching photography at the college level, Gaye became a full time mom and home-schooled—un-schooled all six children throughout their formative years and beyond. In 1997, Gaye, her husband and children, aged three to twelve at the time, sold everything and drove from Canada to the bottom of South America and back, over a three and a half year period.
Upon their return, Gaye and Ed co-authored their first book, Out Our Back Door, Photos and Inspirational Thoughts that Nourish the Soul. Her second book Living Dreams, 1 Van, 3 Years, 2 Parents, 6 Kids, 15 Countries and Becoming a Functional Family published in 2007, documents the story that chronicled the family’s three year, overland journey. Since 2010 Gaye has been a regular bi-weekly food and recipe columnist for the local paper. The theme of The Food Lover's Diary is local, seasonal and traditional foods. She has also written and published several articles on parenting and alternative education, and appeared on numerous radio and television programs.
Gaye has spent most of her adult life learning about and practicing how to use common plants for food and medicine. Her passion is preparing good tasting, health enhancing meals and sharing that information with anyone interested in making real food their first medicine. She is a certified Kripalu yoga teacher, oversees family businesses and is now online to share her knowledge with the rest of the world.
Yes, it does take a little work and time to feed and raise healthy children, but well worth the effort because it does save time and worry from taking care of children that are unwell.