Elizabeth Chamberlain, Green Designer & Feng Shui Consultant in Los Angeles, is host of the #1 Feng Shui video on Youtube for over two years, the webseries Space Lift, as well as the popular blog The Upside of Downsizing. http://www.theupsideofdownsizing.com
Elizabeth’s life-long passion for interior design ignited when she decorated her teenage bedroom with bold stripes and a floral ‘focal wall.’ Originally from Grand Rapids, Michigan, Elizabeth was born into the furniture business; her family owned and operated the prestigious Holland Furniture Company for 66 years until it was purchased by Baker Furniture.
A certified Black Hat Feng Shui Consultant, Elizabeth began her practice in the mid 1990’s, eventually developing an iconoclastic approach to the ancient art that is both Americanized for today’s tastes and styles while respecting its traditional roots. Over the years, Elizabeth has continued her education with a variety of teachers and masters including His Holiness Grandmaster Professor Thomas Lin-Yin, the man who introduced feng shui to America.
In 1999, Elizabeth became head designer for a major New York real estate developer. The scope of her work for included designing and coordinating gut-renovations in a Landmark upper Westside building, an Upper Eastside condominium conversion, as well as a new development project in Tribeca. During her tenure, she designed over forty kitchens and ninety bathrooms.
Now living happily in Los Angeles, Elizabeth has developed a unique approach to interior design that incorporates feng shui, fresh style for today along with an eco-friendly focus. As a result, Elizabeth helps clients create beautiful homes that improve their lives and lighten their carbon footprint.
Elizabeth is currently creating a line of heirloom green furniture for Baltic Woodcraft. Like her grandfather, and great-great grandfather before her, she is working with master craftsmen who use old-world techniques as well as natural stains and waxes to create pieces that will be enjoyed for generations to come.
Feng shui is best known as a way to rearrange your home or office to help you bring in fresh energy to…
• increase your wealth
• enhance your relationships
• create more opportunities
• remove blocks to love & happiness
• decrease frustrations
• improve your effectiveness
• support your wellness
• get ‘unstuck’
• gain more control over your circumstances
• and improve your reputation.
Feng shui is a system of controlling the energy of our environment by encouraging healthy energy and eliminating unhealthy energy from your surroundings.
By the way, it’s pronounced fung (like tongue) schway (like way).
How does it work?
The Universal Law of Attraction states that ‘like attracts like.’ In feng shui, you work with this law to create an environment that represents your goals and passions. By practicing feng shui, you will soon see how your life is reflected in your home and your home reflects your life.
Feng shui uses such methods as arranging furniture, placing objects with intention, adding color and clearing unnecessary clutter. After a feng shui consultation, you’ll start attaining your goals more effortlessly because you are moving with the current of life instead of struggling to swim upstream.
For more information, go to http://www.space-lift.com/spacelift/why_feng_shui.html
The Five Elements of Feng Shui
To have a lush garden, a gardener plants the sun-loving flowers in the sunny spots and shade-loving flowers in the shady spots. Otherwise, she’ll have a wilted garden that drains energy, time and money.
In feng shui, the five elements (water, wood, fire, earth & metal) work in a similar manner; each element has a place that helps you to flourish and a place that drains you.
To create balance in your home or workspace, all five elements must be represented in their proper area. If they are missing or in the wrong location, you may experience frustrations, conflicts and unnecessary struggles.
For more information, go to http://www.space-lift.com/spacelift/five_elements.html
Elizabeth’s unique ability to translate your passions and personality into the design of your home results in an individualized style that looks and feels like you.
To get started, and to learn more about her approach to feng shui, visit www.space-lift.com where you can see her web series of feng shui videos!
For more information and free tips, go to:
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