Duncan has been teaching Shamanism, Dance and Medicine Wheel for the last twenty 22 years and has developed a vast amount of knowledge and experience in these areas. His work is dynamic and empowering combining ancient knowledge and perspectives with a modern no nonsense approach that reaches to the heart of our experience. A gifted communicator and ceremonialist Duncan brings heart, humour and shamanic insight together in a special and individual way.
Coming from a background in the Arts, Education, Juvenile Justice and Community Work, he has, run Drama Departments in large London Comprehensive Schools, written a Youth Strategy for a large English City and has set up and managed front line Delinquency and Crime Reduction Projects.
Duncan has trained in Transactional Analysis and Psychotherapy, but has gone on to reach outside his culture to find those teachers who are rooted in the wisdom of the body and the Earth. An accredited 5 Rhythms Teacher since 1989, Duncan has studied with a wide range of shamanic teachers from a variety of traditions and has undertaken, several Medicine apprenticeships, the longest lasting ten years. Having a longstanding interest in esoteric psychology, the Medicine Wheel, Mayan Calendar, Toltec Shamanism, the Dreamspell and our own European Traditions he combines his knowledge of these in his one to one healing and teachings, workshops, and online courses as well as in his Mayan Book of Life and Dreamspell Oracle Readings.
Duncan has been involved in a variety of t. v. and radio programme's about his work and has graced the couch with Richard and Judy, as well as writing articles for a variety of journals and magazines.
“In my work I combine shamanic teachings and techniques with leading edge psychologies and metaphysics to create something of true value, that is both ancient and absolutely modern. In this time we need to embrace both the past and the present in order to move into a future that transcends the limited material vision of our culture and reaches toward a new dream appropriate to our present stage of evolution.”
"Duncan has the knowledge, the humour, the experience and the humility to make his work as a shamanic practitioner effective and down to earth. He has an outstanding ability to track down information and the maturity to integrate teachings from many traditions into a blend of healing work that is simple and appropriate for our times. More than that, he has been a loyal friend and fellow traveler for many years on the shamanic path."
Ya'Acov Darling Khan. Director of Movement Medicine. March 2006?
Our Workshops and Course
We offer a wide range of courses and workshops in Medicine Wheel, Shamanism, Toltec Teachings, Spiritual Alchemy, Shamanic Work and the 5 Rhythms Dance and Movement Work of Gabrielle Roth.
Duncan has been focusing on his own personal development and his one to one work with clients for the last few years and is now looking for opportunities to deliver workshops based on his areas of interest. These being Medicine Wheel, Shamanism, Toltec focused work, the 5 Rhythms. Mayan Calendar and Spiritual Alchemy.
If you, your group or organisation are interested in hosting workshops please contact :-
We are also seeking organisers throughout Britain and Europe.
Forthcoming Workshops
Duncan will be running the follow workshops in Glastonbury for
The Wiccan Education Society in 2009
Our courses are to be held at Tir na n’Og, 4 miles outside Glastonbury. The land here is very ancient and sacred, it seems to hug you and has a very healing quality. It is in a very peaceful secluded area and is surrounded by a nature reserve with an abundance of flora and fauna, it is a paradise for bird watching and has wonderful walks. Tir na n’Og itself has 10 acres of land part of which is natural woodland, and within the grounds is a meditation room and a healing temple complete with Metatron Pyramid – sitting inside the pyramid has a profound healing effect and enables us to connect with our soul. An extended stay can be arranged to fully enjoy all that Glastonbury and Tir na n'Og have to offer.
The Star Maiden’s Circle : Discovering and Changing Negative Patterns
The Medicine Wheels have ancient roots and can be used by seekers of all paths as a tool for personal and spiritual self development. The Star Maiden’s Circle is a powerful teaching that acts as a template for the pattern of our energy and personality.
It is also a powerful tool for understanding our own individual patterns, as it helps us to see how we create our actions, reactions, desires, dreams, beliefs and goals, and in the process it shows how we often sabotage our best intents.
To ‘know thy Self’ is the first and most important step on any spiritual path and if we wish to grow and change it is essential to have self knowledge. This is not always such an easy task as it at first seems, because there are elements within us that do not want to be seen or to change.
The Star Maiden’s Circle helps us to gain this self understanding by giving us a way of accessing our patterns, so we can see them and change them, if we so choose. It does this by breaking patterns into eight parts and defining these energies so that we can understand them and see them clearly. This workshop aims to give participants a powerful and accessible tool for self understanding and transformation, one that enables us to see, understand and change negative patterns.
Fri 15th-Sun 17th May 2009
See details below
The Star Maiden’s Circle The Next level
This workshop is for those who have attended ‘The Star Maiden’s Circle Discovering and Changing Negative Patterns’ and continues the journey of exploration, and how it can be used to liberate our true nature and empower ourselves and others in a positive and beneficial way.
Fri 10th-Sun 12th July 2009
Both courses take place in Glastonbury and are fully residential, offering shared accommodation in mobile homes, tipi’s or camping. Arrive Friday evening, depart Sunday afternoon. All meals are included, please advise of any special dietary requirements. On Saturday night you are invited to participate in either a sweat lodge or a sacred fire ceremony, weather permitting. Each weekend course is £245.00, concessions available, deposit required.
For further information on location, accommodation etc please emailukcoordinator@wesociety.com
Energy and Personal Power A Mayan Toltec Perspective
We are all on a journey that begins with birth and ends with death. In between that we make decisions and choices as to how it turns out. We can live from the heart and create happiness and peace or we can live in fear and cause stress and chaos.
It is said that a person is no more than the sum of their personal power. Our personal power depends on the amount of energy we have or lack and everyone no matter what their situation can learn to increase it. Through understanding these energies and their relationship to aspects of the self, we are able to empower and integrate aspects of ourselves, and our life choices, that may be currently isolated and ignored and result in us being guided away from our destiny and caught in a frustrating and limited web that presents its self as normality.
In this workshop we will take an in depth look at personal freedom in relation to our energy, how we use it, waste it or conserve it and how our individual choices and actions empower or disempower us. We will be using teachings and practices that originate from the Toltec traditions of the America’s to help us gain awareness of a life without fear where all our decisions can be based on love.
Fri 12th – Sun 14th June 2009
see details below
Along The Path to Personal Freedom : The Next level
This workshop is for those who have attended ‘Energy and Personal Power’
and continues the journey of finding a life of contentment.
Fri 21st- Sun 23rd August 2009
Both courses take place in Glastonbury and are fully residential, offering shared accommodation in mobile homes, tipi’s or camping. Arrive Friday evening, depart Sunday afternoon. All meals are included, please advise of any special dietary requirements. On Saturday night you are invited to participate in either a sweat lodge or a sacred fire ceremony, weather permitting. There will also be opportunity for personal ceremony. Each weekend course is £245.00, concessions available, deposit required
For further information on location, accommodation etc please email ukcoordinator@wesociety.com
Body Of Light : Shamanic Conceptions Of The Human Body
We are much more than a physical body. At the core of our being we are luminous beings made up of energy and light vibration, faster than ordinary perception can perceive. Most of us are completely unaware of our luminous nature and as a result never really understand our true nature or the deeper currents that guide and determine our existence.
In this workshop we will delve into the world of our luminosity discovering how we assemble our reality and how our perception is filtered through a variety of invisible structures and how they work and function as part of our body of light. We will look at the assemblage point and its movement, the human shields and dancers. There will also be some practical demonstrations of assemblage point shifting. This one day workshop will take place in Glastonbury. If you are travelling to attend and wish to stay for longer we are happy to arrange accommodation for you within your budget.
Fri 18th-Sun 20th September 2009
This course will take place in Glastonbury and is fully residential, offering shared accommodation in mobile homes, tipi’s or camping. Arrive Friday evening, depart Sunday afternoon. All meals are included, please advise of any special dietary requirements. On Saturday night you are invited to participate in either a sweat lodge or a sacred fire ceremony, weather permitting. Each weekend course is £245.00, concessions available, deposit required.
For further information on location, accommodation etc please email ukcoordinator@wesosiety.com
Workshops In Mid-Wales
Introduction to the Medicine Wheels
Duncan Wordley
The Medicine Wheels are a powerful system for self understanding, growth and development offering the contemporary seek a system of organic, holographic maps with which to view themselves, their world and relationships.
In this workshop we will explore a series on interconnected Medicine Wheels and participant will gain a good working knowledge of this unique system which they can use as tools for self discovery and transformation. The will also be opportunities
to experience personal ceremony
23rd & 24th May 2009
Private Venue Mid-Wales
Non residential with contacts for local B&B and Camping
Contact duncan@medicinewheelshamanism.co.uk
Working with the Power of Grandmother Earth
Duncan Wordley
Grandmother Earth is a source of power and guidance for those who know how to tap in and listen to her wisdom. This workshop will focus on the Worlds of Grandmother Earth and will give participants the opportunity to experience through practical work the wisdom that comes from these interactions, to journey for power allies from the animal, plant and mineral worlds.
Participants are invited to a Solstice Sweat Lodge Ceremony on Saturday evening
20th 21st June 2009
Private venue in Mid-Wales.
Non residential with contacts for local B&B and Camping Contact
The Warrior’s Approach to the Tyrants of Life
Duncan Wordley
The Toltec Teachings concerning the Attitude of the Warrior are of great relevance to this time and to men and women seeking knowledge of the self. This workshop will explore the relevance of these ancient teaching for present day explorers and shop how the tyrants of life, those things and people that push our buttons and dive us crazy, can become
sources of knowledge and powerful teachers.
Participants are invited to a sweat lodge ceremony on Saturday evening
24th & 25 July 2009
Private venue Mid-Wales.
Non residential with contacts for local B&B and Camping
Contact duncan@medicinewheelshamanism.co.uk
Duncan Wordley
Learning to come into harmony with change and movement, the natural cycles of the self and the world, help us to feel connected and part of the web of life. Increasingly modern lifestyle separates us from the things that have sustained our ancestors for tens of thousands of years. This workshop will explore these cycles and teach you how to understand and work with them in order to enrich our lives.
Participants are invited to a sweatlodge ceremony on Saturday evening
15th & 16th August 2009
Private venue Mid-Wales.
Non residential with contacts for local B&B and Camping
Contact duncan@medicinewheelshamanism.co.uk
The Circle of Personality Transformation with Duncan Wordley
This is an introductory level workshop based around a key Wheel within the Medicine Wheel teachings it offers a powerful tool for understanding our own individual patterns, as it helps us to see how we create our actions, reactions, desires, dreams, beliefs and goals, and in the process it shows how we often sabotage our best intents.
The Star Maiden’s Circle helps us to gain this self understanding by giving us a way of accessing our patterns, so we can see them and change them, if we so choose. It does this by breaking patterns into eight parts and defining these energies so that we can understand them and see them clearly. Participants will gain a working knowledge of this unique tool for self empowerment and transformation.
26th & 27th September 2009
Private venue Mid-Wales.
Non residential with contacts for local B&B and Camping Contact duncan@medicinewheelshamanism.co.uk
The Medicine Wheel, Shamanism, Spiritual Alchemy, Toltec Teachings, Mayan Calendar, Dreamspell, and the 5 Rhythms are a major part of our Online Courses, Workshops and Spiritual Life Coaching, that we offer to support you in your personal and spiritual development.
To watch film about our work go to
The Circle Of Flowers is a teaching organisation working in the field of Contemporary Shamanism, using tools such as the Medicine Wheel, Mayan Calendar and Toltec philosophy and practices. We offer a wide range of courses, workshops, individual spiritual life coaching and personal development work. The teachings we offer are organic, earth based and powerful combining ancient knowledge and concepts about the nature of the human self with leading edge psychology and modern scientific perspectives.
The Mayan Calendar and the shamanic traditions of the Maya suggest that Sun is entering into a new phase of evolutionary development and a resulting period of the flowering of the human spirit known as the Fifth Sun or the Sun of Flowers, a concept not dissimilar to the Age Of Aquarius in the European tradition. Our name the Circle Of Flowers reflects this time and seeks to be in harmony with it by enabling 21st Century humans to blossom and bloom as beautiful, self aware, free autonomous humans rooted and connected to this living breathing intelligent planet, whilst at the same time reaching for the Sun and the stars.
This is a time of the completion of the circle, the end of a cycle that has dominated the Earth and its inhabitants for millennia and a new beginning, a new spiral of evolution that will transform both ourselves and the world we have created. What we are experiencing in our economic and financial institutions, when seen from this perspective is the collapse of the dominate system as it passes its sell by date and the commencement of something new and unexpected. In accordance with this time we are seeing the return of ancient perspectives lost and ignored in our rush for economic and technological development.
In order to take advantage of this new time, contemporary humans need to change their perceptions of both themselves and the world.
“In order to transform humans need to recover the shamanic perspective.”
Don Miguel Ruiz. Beyond Fear : A Toltec Guide to Freedom and Joy
The shamanic perspective is one that completely changes our view of ourselves and in particular one that highlights the true and mysterious nature of the human self. Within the Medicine Wheel, the Toltec Tradition and Shamanism there exists a rich vein of knowledge about this often ignored aspect of our human nature.
“Learning is a living Challenge. It is the greatest and most holy of all human experiences. Discovery of the human Self is the highest of all knowledge.”
Hyemeyohsts Storm ‘Lightningbolt’
This is indeed holy and sacred work and a task that offers incomprehensible rewards to those intrepid individuals who undertake it. We offer you both maps and a compass for this journey in the form of the Medicine Wheel and sound and grounded techniques from the Toltec's and other Shamanic Traditions. Our online course"The Cartography of The Invisible"
as well as our workshops and individual work offer you a real and inspiring spiritual alchemy to guide and support you in this very individual and personal quest.
We hope that you might join us in this task of personal and planetary transformation and through the Circle Of Flowers find the catalyst you need to grow and change in harmony and alignment with this unprecedented time. That you might by rooting yourself in the true reality of Grandmother Earth and by turning your face towards the light of Grandfather Sun begin to bud and flower in your own unique, beautiful and sacred way.?
Duncan can be contacted via website http://www.medicinewheelshamanism.co.uk
or via email duncan@medicinewheelshamanism.co.uk