Minister, Teacher, Counselor, Expert Professional Hermetic Astrologer/ LifeConsultant, Rev. Dr. Russ Durocher emerged from traditional ministerial training with a dedicated desire to share the psychological insights and scientific spiritual understanding which form the central message of all major philosophical and religious traditions -- for the purpose of helping people everywhere use these insights and understanding to effectively create a richer, more rewarding and more successful life experience.
“Dr. Russ” holds degrees in Religious Science/Metaphysics and Biblical Studies, as well as a Doctorate of Divinity. In addition to spending several decades independently researching the Gnostic, Hermetic and Qabalistic Traditions, he has studied with The Religious Science Institute; Unity School for Religious Studies; Saint Alban’s Theological Seminary and The Ecclesia Gnostica. He is extensively trained and certified in the teachings of numerous esoteric schools, including The Brotherhood of Light/The Church of Light (known as the “Harvard” of astrological schools); The Rosicrucian Order AMORC; The Rosicrucian Fellowship and The Builders of the Adytum.
Rev. Dr. Durocher provides counseling services worldwide, offering clients from all walks of life effective tools for greater happiness, success and spirituality. He is director of Universal Life Institute, a teaching ministry devoted to disseminating the scientific spiritual facts of the Aquarian Age; facilitator of Universal Life Fellowship of the Inner Light, a spiritual association dedicated to ceremonial-ritual workings for healing, health, happiness and the unfoldment of higher consciousness. He is ordained to the Sacramental Priesthood of the independent Gnostic Church
Rev. Dr. Durocher is a member of The Church of Light, The American Federation of Astrologers and The Organization for Professional Astrology.
"Let's stop confusing what's impressive with what's important."
"My work for you consists largely in a careful appraisal of the possibilities open to you as revealed by a thorough study of your Birth Chart and your current progressed aspects; and in offering you advice and instructions that will enable you to take the utmost advantage of such possibilities. Most events are not inevitable. Events are attracted due to the organization of certain thought-patterns in your subconscious mind. It lies within your power to change these thought-patterns and to divert their energies into channels of your own choosing."
"The Hermetic System of Astrology evolved from the research of a number of astrologers working together from the beginning of the 20th Century and led by Brotherhood of Light Initiate and famed astrologer Elbert Benjamine (C.C. Zain). They researched thousands of charts to assess character traits and observed the resulting events and conditions in people’s lives. The results of this research constitutes the basis of this astrological system. Thousands of charts were also checked for mundane astrology and weather prediction and the findings are the basis for those specific techniques. The difference between the Hermetic System and other types of astrological practice is that there is an added tool in the form of more precise calculations called “Astrodynes,” which indicate the volume of power, harmony, and discord of each planet, sign, and house in the individual birth chart. This gives great precision in interpretation. In fact, scores of repeat clients claim that the specificity and personal value of the guidance and advice is more than double what is usually available in readings done by conventional astrological methods!"
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Reach me at DRRUSSD@COX.NET or 602-548-5665