Attitude determines the approach we give to anything. A positive attitude is always more likely to produce winning results. A negative attitude will always pull us back, causing us not to commit fully to what we want to achieve. No one ever achieved anything by doubting or by staying in bed all day unable to face the challenge ahead. The challenge ahead is always less daunting than what we fear it might be. Therefore, our biggest challenge is not the real challenge itself, but the fear and doubt with which we might approach it. Do away with the fear and doubt and the challenge will then be real and more manageable. We can then think clearly about approaching the real job ahead, without the heavy weight of fear and doubt.
This is only a brief glimpse of the approach Doug Robinson has to offer throughout his life and work. Doug shares and teaches from real experience. Born legally blind, Doug had many opportunities to simply give up and quit. He knows firsthand the recurring struggles each person can face in overcoming fear and doubt to eventually succeed. He knows how much better it can be for all of us when we learn to stop being apprehensive of failure and instead strike out whole-heartedly to achieve the goals we set for ourselves.
Prior to his recent move to Inwood Iowa, where he now lives with his life-partner, Ruth and his great dog-guide, Reggie, Doug served for eight years as Program Manager for the Great Falls office of Montana Blind & Low Vision Services. Doug first began his career working directly assisting individuals with blindness in the Missoula office of MBLVS where he served for three years as Vision Rehabilitation Therapist. Doug worked with people who found themselves homeless and in need of supplemental security income for eight years prior to that time, following a successful concert singing career that lasted for eighteen years. This career took him all over the US, to Canada, to England and Wales and to continental Europe in a wealth of wonderful experiences.
Doug Robinson's life gives testimony to the positive role of tenacity in the face of adversity. There were and still will be many times when it seems best to simply give up. The only worthwhile response in these times is to pull back, catch a deep breath, regroup, refocus and try again until success is achieved. No one but you will ever say you have to give up. If a goal seems unobtainable and you feel you have to change course, then do so positively, finding a new goal that may prove far more worthwhile than the first. Always keep going in whatever way you can. Life is a journey and to journey we have to move ahead. We cannot live and not travel. Choose to live! Choose to succeed in being who you really are!