Aleya Dao is a Master Sound Healer and spiritual teacher who uses her voice and special techniques to clear and transform blocks that prevent people from moving into happiness, abundance, and higher states of consciousness. She has a unique ability to read the energy of individuals and groups, and produce the sounds and light language that shift the energy into higher frequencies. Upon listening to Aleya Dao's other worldly voice the inner flame of your soul's calling will be ignited and rekindled. Aleya bring's forth new healing tones, sacred chants and a language of light that moves through every cell in her essence and is gifted to you.
Aleya has a B.A. from Lewis and Clark College, a Masters Degree in Oriental Medicine from the Southwest Acupuncture College in Santa Fe, N.M. Aleya is a Licensed Acupuncture in Colorado, and a Minister in the State of California. After an enlightenment experience in 2001, Aleya moved from Telluride, Colorado to California, where she currently resides.
Aleya's mastery is teaching and helping people activate their own energetic intelligence. She teaches a course, The Seven Gateways, which are principles that hold high vibrational codes to accelerate your spiritual growth and evolution and activate your energetic intelligence.
Aleya also produces and records daily meditations delivered via email 5 days a week to your email account.
Benefits of Aleya's Daily Meditations include
• Activate your energetic intelligence
• Ground, center, and come into a place of stillness.
• Increase personal empowerment.
• Move into a higher vibration and increase your light quotient.
Aleya has produced and recorded a number of toning CDs, including Awaken, commercially released in 2007. She is currently working on her second commercial CD, Serenity, to be released in late 2010.
Based in Santa Barbara, California, Aleya provides private sessions to an international clientele.
Aleya provides toning concerts as a way for spiritual centers, retreat centers, and other places supporting higher consciousness to raise funds for themselves. There is no catch. Aleya does this as a way of being of service and giving thanks to the centers that are serving in the world. She does these concerts for free. All donations are given to the center. Aleya gifts all attendees who desire with a complimentary week of daily meditations, and she has her CD's for sale after the event. This is an amazing way for centers, churches, or groups to raise money for themselves. She presents to groups of 75 or more. If you are interested in having Aleya come to your group, center, or church please e-mail.
Model right energy.
Your internal reality creates your outer world.