Hello, welcome to my expert page. I have been involved and interested in the New Age since I was 12 years old and a cousin who worked at the Association for Research and Enlightenment (also known as the Edgar Cayce Foundation) gave me a gift membership. After that I read everything I could find on the subject (and it was not a lot in the 1950s). I took the psychic test where Iwas seated on one side of a blank wall and another subject was on the other. I guessed the signs he "sent" me and got 99% of them correct. I was a student of Dr. J.B. Rhine and his ESP studies in Durham, NC. Also a member of a small group known as "Thanatopsis"(after the poem of the same name. This group studied life after death and many of its members eventually followed Arthur Ford, the man who basically began the "talking to the dead" phenomenon. I have taken courses in psychic healing and biofeedback. I have am a licensed hypnotherapist. I have worked in life regression. I have followed many great psychics through the years. I can read Tarot cards and do cold readings.
I have training in counseling that makes it possible to use all of these types of knowledge for the betterment of one's personal growth.