We are the Will of the Creator of the Universe. When we are following anything other than the Creator's Will....which is to extend Love.....we are unhappy, fearful, anxious and feel the need to attack or defend. We seek to Know Thyself because it is the pathway to uunderstanding how we are connected to the Divine One.
On my site "The Sacred Self," I write short stories and articles to entertain and inspire and expound on this idea, which is basically, 'non dualism.' Non Dualism is the category which Hinduism, Buddhism and A Course in Miracles all fall under. It states that God is All there Is and we are parts of Him.
Yoga is also a big part of my journey. Bikram Yoga is a new leg of the journey, only having begun in January of 2009. I am finding it pleasantly healing, in all aspects of my being. It is becoming more and more evident to me that we must heal the mind before the world can change and we can heal the mind by working first through the body. Our body is like a giant obstacle to Enlightenment, but once healed, it can be used as a vehicle for it!
Join me...visit my site, 'The Sacred Self.' I am currently updating some of it, so check back in a month or so if some of it is unaccessible.