When Desiree was 23 she almost died!!! A few days after the birth of her son she developed post partum pre-eclampsia and if she wouldn’t have driven herself to the hospital she most likely would have died. As she sat in the hospital bed surrounded by 5 doctors telling her if she didn’t calm down she was going to be in some serious trouble. It was so hard to calm down because her blood pressure was 178/117 and she had a new born baby boy at home that needed her.
She prayed to God that if He allowed her to live she would devote her life to helping families get healthy.
So, once Desiree recovered she became a certified life coach & certified fitness & nutrition specialist. She has also done extensive research on detox, digestion, weight loss, balancing the pH, and cleansing.
As a “Back to Basics Step by Step Health” Expert Desiree provide's easy to implement strategies that have helped many get extraordinary results quickly. She takes “getting healthy” from complicated to simple to help you achieve long term results.
The principles that Desiree teach's have done a tremendous service for her own health and vitality as well. She hasn't been sick in over 7 years & neither has her son, she lost 40lbs in only 7 weeks and hs all the energy she needs to run her business, take care of her family and enjoy life!
Desiree really does want the same for you and your family and she is committed to helping you live a healthier & happier life.
Desiree is a loving mother, aspiring millionaire, author, health & wellness expert, dreamer, dancer, comedian, traveler, & vibrant person who brings joy & inspiration to every room that she enters. Her unique talent is as a “Back to Basics Step by Step Health” Expert who currently serves clients worldwide. She provides easy to implement strategies that has helped many get extra-ordinary results quickly. She takes “getting healthy” from complicated to simple to help you achieve long term results. The principles that she teaches have done a tremendous service for her health and vitality as well. Desiree hasn’t been sick in over 4 years, lost 40lbs in only 7 weeks and has all the energy she needs to run her business, take care of her family and enjoy life! She wants the same for you and she is committed to helping you live the life you were meant to Desiree is a loving mother, aspiring millionaire, author, health & wellness expert, dreamer, dancer, comedian, traveler, & vibrant person who brings joy & inspiration to every room that she enters.
"Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness."~Edward Stanley
"It is health that is real weight and not pieces of gold and silver." ~Mohandas Gandhi