What is holding you back?
What prevents you from finding a deeper joy and happiness in your life?
Bad relationships, wrong job, finanical problems, health issues...???
Life should be a happy fulfilling journey. I can help you find your way, closer to who you really are.
Everything starts and ends with LOVE.
Whether you want to change career, you want to fix finance and money, or improve your health, contact me.
About me: My journey with Personal Development started almost 30 years ago with Psychoanalysis when I was 20 years old.
I worked on myself for so many years and I feel that there is still so much to learn, to understand and to heal. This journey is never finished and I am happy and proud of all what I achieved so far.
As a Therapist and a Coach, I am passionate about helping others experiencing their unique path and finding what can really make them happy and complete.
My experience: I have over 15 years experience as a Psychotherapist, Life and Career Coach.
I am certified NLP Master, Practitioner of Hypnosis, TLT (Time Line Therapy), EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Psych-K (Psycho-Kinesiology) and Reiki. I am as well fully trained with TA (Transactional Analysis) and Visualisation. I studied and taught for many years on Conflict Resolution (Arnold Mindell). Coaching Diploma (Oxford College).
I recently trained in Ho'oponopono (ancient Hawaiian technique)
I have been spending many years working with people at the end of their lives and learned a lot with people in pain and with the consciousness of imminent death.
My passion for my work and my willingness for constantly improving and growing brought me to many places in the world and gave me the opportunity to meet amazing people.
Areas of expertise: I have an holistic approach, usually combining techniques like NLP and Energy Therapies.
Recently trained with Ho'oponopono, I integrate as well this ancient Hawaiian Technique.I am a specialist in Stress Management, confidence and self-beliefs. I help people to embrace who they really are.
I help as well in the area of professional transition and help to find a new purpose and a job alligned with your values and beliefs.
I spend as much time helping people with Personal as with Professional issues.
All is connected and if you are not happy in one or the other, it reflects on all other areas of your life. When I work with corporate organisations, I usually combine Coaching and Training in order for change to stick.
I have been coaching hundreds of top executives, Board members and of course individuals, whatever their job is. The important is who you are and what you really want.
Sexual Minorities: I am helping many people in the area of sexual orientation and sexual minorities.
For many, it is still very painful to come out or to understand their own orientation. At work for example should you tell or not? How to deal with colleagues and pressure in the work environment?
Energy-Psychology: I use more and more Energy-Psychology to help people around limiting beliefs and wellness. Whether with techniques like Psych-K (see Bruce Lipton and Rob Williams) or Emotional Freedom Techniques and Reiki.
My results are impressive and so much quicker than with more traditional approaches.
Online help: I coache clients all around the world via Skype. Even skeptical at the beginning, I realised how great can the results be even through Skype.
Self improvment: I am constantly assessing new techniques and research in the field of personal growth. I am passionate about helping others change their professional or personal lives for the better, and help them find inspiration (resources) for change!
GB Life Coaching: I am the Principal of GB Life Coaching and work in close collaboration with other professionals and organisations in this field.
Other areas: I am Co-Author of a book published in 2010 with Routledge "101 Coaching Strategies and Techniques" which is available worldwide via Amazon.
Many of my articles on Personal and Professional Development are published in NewsBlaze or in Professional Magazines.
I have been Radio Host for a French Radio with a Personal Development Programme.
Background: I am French, Swiss native, and have been living in London for 8 years.
Certified NLP Master Practitioner
Practitioner EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)
Practitioner TLT (Time Line Therapy)
Practitioner Hypnosis
Practitioner Psych-K (Psycho-Kinesiology)
Practitioner Reiki
Facilitator in Conflict Resolution and
Fully trained in TA (Transactional Analysis) and Visualisation.
Recently trained with Ho'oponopono
Accredited with ICF (International Coach Federation), Association for Coaching, ANLP International, BACP South London, NHS Trust Association, Pink Therapy,
Member of the AMT (Association for Meridians and Energy Therapies)
I am an Executive Coach, Trainer and Facilitator for International Companies.
I work in London, Paris, Brussels, Geneva, Moscow and the middle East...
My Clients include the UN in Geneva, the CERN, ITER, AXA, Citroen, Institut Pasteur, BNP Paribas, AXA...
I help organisations and individuals to develop performance and ability to change. I design and deliver high impact bespoke coaching and training programmes all over Europe.
I am passionate about human behaviour, capabilities and how to push beyond individual limitations. I coache and facilitate mainly at executive and board levels.
My work in organisations focuses extensively around the connection between well-being and performance, confidence and achievements, and the link between belief systems and success. I look closely at relationships within organisations and how people interact as a team. I also mediate successful outcomes in conflict resolution situations.
Whether one-to-one, or in group sessions, I help organisations grow in awareness, effectiveness and performance. I use an attentive and gentle sharpness and approache situations respectfully with a view to providing a conduit for change.
I believe that the world is at a turning point and that we are already adapting to the new paradigm. Values are on the line and each of us have to find a new balance between all the aspects of live. We are very blessed to be alive at this time in history. It is challenging at many levels but we are part of a new world coming.
I believe that this new world will see huge changes, and that our awareness and consciousness of who we really are is raising fast.
Initial Contact
An initial contact can take place over the phone to discuss a little further before the first Session.
Face to Face Session in London Bridge £90
Face to face in SE20 or Phone and Skype £75
Package of 6 sessions for the price of 5 (to be paid upfront). A Paypal payment request will be directly sent to your email box. All sessions are only confirmed after the money is received.
Cancellation Policy
We require 48 hour's notice for any cancellation, otherwise full fees apply.
I help clients with the following topics:
Self-beliefs, self-esteem, confidence, anxiety, relationships, career transition, health, sexual difficulties, work/Life balance, conflict resolution, behavioural changes, Spirituality, Stress management, stress release...
Using more and more Energy Psychology and Energy Therapies, I can help to change Limiting beliefs and energy cleansing.
The London Bridge Clinic is 90 seconds walk from London Bridge Train and Tube Station.
The Clinic in SE20 is in a beautiful setting with a parc and free parking.
It is located 30 seconds walk from Penge East Train Station (coming from Victoria 15 minutes train) and 5 minutes walk from Penge West Train station (coming from London Bridge 20 minutes train)
Coaching and Training Programmes on: Management and Leadership, Communication and Team relationships, Confidence and Leadership, Wellbeing and Performance...
Individual sessions: Psychotherapy, Life and Career Coaching Face to face, Email, phone and Skype
Workshops on Personal and Professional Development
Retreats for Executives. Get away from your day to day environment and rediscover who you are
The Life Coaching Zone SE is a new group in Crystal Palace meeting once a month.
http://www.facebook.com/groups/397179886969602/#!/groups/422833477746873/ I launched this Group in Crystal Palace in June. We meet every second Thursday of each month from 7 to 9pm at the Crystal Palace Osteopathic Practice, 10 Westow Street Crystal Palace SE19 3AF.
The main aim of this group is to offer group life Coaching to a maximum number of persons.
It is the most economical way to work on your own life goals and listen and benefit from others life coaching principles.
What one person lives is usually not far from what another goes through.
Stress management, relationship improvement, confidence and self-esteem, financial struggle, and many more...
For £15, once a month, you are going to benefit from my expertise and experience.
I have almost 20 years experience as a Life Coach and Psychotherapist. I am a member of the Association for Coaching, The International Coach Federation an have 2 clinics in South East London.
Please come and join us on Facebook and/or on the live group...
You can learn more about me on http://gblifecoaching.com/page2.htm
You can contact me via email on denis@gblifecoaching.com My website is www.gblifecoaching.com
You can follow me on https://twitter.com/#!/gblifecoaching
You can join my Group on Facebook The Team Relationship Clinic http://www.facebook.com/groups/397179886969602/398315043522753#!/groups/397179886969602/
Linkedin address: http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=39198404&trk=tab_pro
Google+: https://plus.google.com/111450497702838573900#111450497702838573900/posts