Deborah Maragopoulos MN FNP blends the art of healing with the science of medicine.
A board certified nurse practitioner with a masters degree from UCLA, Deborah completed post graduate studies in neuro-immune-endocrinology, nutritional science, functional medicine, quantum physics, genetics, and metaphysical healing.
Deborah has been helping the hormonally challenged for over twenty years. Patients come from around the world to her holistic health care practice—Full Circle Family Health—where Deborah uses her rich life experience and vast education to the root of the problem helping them understand the bio-psycho-spiritual symbology of dis-ease.
A motivational speaker, Deborah inspires colleagues, students, and community members to heal self and others.
In her debut book, LoveDance: Awakening the Divine Daughter, Deborah uses sensual story telling to heal body, mind and soul.
After developing a unique holistic health care model—DMAR Pyramid of Health™ that integrates naturopathic and allopathic therapies, Deborah created GENESIS GOLD®—a natural supplement to harmonize hormones, optimize health, energize life.
"Health is Hormones in Harmony™"
"Healing is innate, encoded in our DNA"
" There are really only two emotions--love and fear. Just as darkness is the absence of light, fear is the absence of love."
"Dis-ease is fear embodied. It is doubt, negative thoughts, disbelief, wavering faith. It is an opportunity to learn. Dis-ease is the body's way of communicating for the soul."
"Dis-ease has energetic roots deeply embedded into belief about self. Each dis-ease has its own vibration, its own energy, often cloaked by the disharmonious energies of an imbalanced system. Harmonizing the hormones and balancing the biochemistry is only part of a holistic treatment plan. If the healer does not attend to the patient’s belief system, there will not be enough remedies to prescribe to relieve the patient’s suffering."
"Death is not an ending, but a transition into a realm of infinite possibilities. It is a spiritual birth of the finest vibration and when we open our hearts to receive the energy, the spirit of our loved ones, the veil which separates us from the mulitdimensional universe becomes very thin indeed."
"I am a healer. I am a woman. I am the voice of one forgotten.
The time is ripe for the Divine Daughter to be received.
I remember HERstory. Do you?"
From LoveDance, healing body, mind and soul through story.
There are three ways to experience Deborah’s healing gifts.
Address: Full Circle Family Health
222 Sierra Rd
Ojai, CA 93023
tel: 805 640-3341