Debbie Thomas learned about the Law of Attraction the hard way - by having a very negative attitude and unconsciously attracting all sorts of bad stuff into her life. But once she learned how to be a Conscious Creator, and learned how to grapple with all those pesky negative voices in her head, things really started to change. Now she wants to help other people like herself who GET how the Law of Attraction is supposed to work, but don't GET how to focus on what they want and stay positive long enough to make things happen - especially when the evidence is not there.
Debbie Thomas is a "Get Happy in the Moment" expert. The Law of Attraction states that what you spend the most time focusing on is what you get, correct? The more time you spend in being Happy, in Gratitude, and Expectant, the quicker your dreams will manifest. But most people, even if they have heard of the Law of Attraction or The Secret, just don't know how to stay focused and positive long enough to keep taking the actions that will bring their dreams to fruition.
So many people try to think positive or do affirmations or do meditations and visualizations, but when the goods don't show up right away, they think that the Law of Attraction is not working for them and they go back to their old habitual ways of thinking negatively, beating themselves up for not succeeding or for believeing in such rubbish anyway.
But a Law is a Law, just like the Law of Gravity. Whether you believe in it or not - it's working all of the time. The trick, the secret really is to find a way to stay focused and positive and taking inspired action - even when the evidence is not showing up yet. If you are focused on what you want to create and taking positive action - it has to show up - but not necessarily on your timetable. There's the rub.
So how do you manage to stay positive long enough to hang in there until your goals start to manifest. Well, you need to have some method of Flipping the Switch on how your are feeling - right in the very moment that you realize that you are not putting out the vibes you want to put out there. A way to put the brakes on the habitual negativity that crops up out of nowhere when something doesn't go our way.
That's where AttitudeZapz! Affirmation Jingles come in. These short, quirky little songs with affirmation statements as lyrics are designed to get stuck in your head, just like a jingle you would hear on the radio. Once one is stuck in your head, it becomes the Switch that you can Flip when you realize you are back to the old habitual negative self talk garbage again. You don't have to do this to yourself anymore. YOU have the CHOICE to be happy no matter what the circumstances, and AttitudeZapz! can be your anchor to grab onto. You can hear some samples in the Free Stuff section. Go on and give them a try.
Debbie began her search for meaning in her life several years ago when the school of hard knocks finally took it's toll on her and sent her reeling into the depths of depression. Bad business decisions, way too much money lost, low self esteem, guilt, guilt and more guilt were pressing on her from all sides.
In desperation, she started studying self help material and in particular, the Law of Attraction. However, already being in a very negative and self defeating attitude all of the time, of course it seemed like The Secret was working for other people (already rich people it seemed like) but not her. But something kept her going and studying voraciously.
One particularly bad day, in the midst of a crying jag of gargantuan proportions, something clicked and a little tune popped into her head. It went like this
Right here and now
I am happy
Don't you know
I've been set free
The tune kept playing over and over in her head until she really started to believe it after awhile. More and more tunes started coming to here whenever she'd hit a roadblock and start down that habitual negative talispin. After awhile, even her family began to notice that this was a different woman than they had known for the last months.
She began to think that there must be people out there who were suffering like she had been - not knowing how to turn around the habitual negative garbage that we feed ourselves. So, not having any clue how she would make it happen, AttitudeZapz! were born. It's been a labor of love and a monumental task, but the feedback she has gotten from customers who have been helped by these jingles, and singing the jingles herself has helped her change her life and offer a lifeline to others who are searching for how to make this all work for them.
I'd love to hear your questions or comments. You can email me anytime at
or call me at 866-249-0125