Dave Ellis is a life coach, author, educator, and philanthropist.
His book, Becoming a Master Student, is the best-selling college
textbook in America. It has been translated into French and Spanish
and is used by college students and faculty in the United States
and several other countries to promote their success inside and
outside the classroom. In addition to this book, he has authored or
co-authored several other books on human effectiveness.
Dave is a respected lecturer and electrifying workshop leader who has captivated
audiences nationally and worldwide, guiding people to achieve long-lasting, breakthrough
performance results. Ellis practices what he teaches, utilizing his remarkable
system in his own life. His friends and colleagues often describe him as the happiest
person they know with an amazingly wonderful life. He has been sharing his strategies
for success with national audiences since 1983.
Dave is president of Breakthrough Enterprises, Inc., which offers an accredited 15-
month Life Coach Training. He is founder and president of The Brande Foundation and
has donated millions of dollars.
Dave is married and has four grown children.
Books by Dave Ellis
Becoming a Master Student
Career Planning
Life Coaching: a manual for helping professionals
Human Being: a manual for happiness, health, love and wealth
Learning Power
Falling Awake
Creating Your Future: 5 Steps to the life of your dreams