Rev. Corbie Mitleid has been on the mystic's path since she was 18. A Certified Professional Taroti Reader, Certified Psychic, trained medium and ordained minister, Corbie's life has been full of challenges and questions, inspiring her to lead what she calls the 'examined life.'
"I knew from the age of nine that something deep and exciting was out there that could be discovered -- if I saw the world differently from everyone else," she explains. "I think my first clue was reading a marvelous children's boook called The Witch Family by Eleanor Estes. Instead of either amusement or scary shivers, I had the nine-year-old's version of '...and your point is?' because to me, everything magical felt completely possible.
Her active search began during high school; starting in 1973, she spent time, effort and thought investigating alternative ways of teaching, counseling and healing, while reading privately for friends. The real breakthrough came without warning in 1994. "I was working on past life investigations with an extremely talented psychic in Colorado. She proved to be a catalyst for my own abilities. Without formal instruction of any kind, I found myself able to do hands-on healing and distance energy work. I became a liaison between discarnate entities and those of us currently in body. I proved to be a doorway Home for souls caught in the Grey Spaces -- those who have died but for some reason can't get to the Light on their own, and therefore haunt the living. And I found I had a talent for channeling souls and Higher Selves for those who need to know the "hows and whys" of their life challenges.
It was clear that I was called to take these talents and put them into service for others. What I do now is a combination of both unexpected gifts and more accessible tools I've found useful over the years."
Corbie's life and experiences have proven to her one essential Cosmic Truth: we're all given what we need for a life filled with miracles and joy, and as long as our hearts are open, whole and aligned with our Source Energy, anything is possible. (And it never hurts to bring laughter on the path with you!) If she can share that blessing with you, she feels she's doing things right.