On March 3, 2004 the frequency we now call LUXOR Light was birthed through ChristinA Ritchie on her 44th birthday in Perth, Western Australia. It is her Soul Purpose to anchor and share this frequency with all who are ready to accept the power this energy has to offer. ChristinA developed a new healing modality in order to find a way to spread this energy in a way that could reach the many. Now, LUXOR Light is reaching other areas of the world and those that have undergone the Ascension Programme have found significant life changes and healing because of it. ChristinA now offers Ascension Tours in Egypt in order to find other ways of meeting the needs of those who are looking for an accelerated entry into the New Era. ChristinA holds Enochian Sound Keys that assist in awakening lost knowledge and speaks in the tongue of Hibiru: the language lost since the time of Adam and Noah. This Universal language speaks directly to the Soul allowing ego to be bypassed and smooth transitions into ones Soul Path are activated. An Osirian Alchemist ChristinA is also able to pass these codes on through the ability to change the alchemical vibration of water for healing. LUXOR Light was the beginning but her ability to work with the Language of the Gods is her Pathway to the future. ...........continued www.luxorlight.webs.com
Dare those mighty deeds
You've never dared before
Brave the fear that held you back from opening the door
Claim the Power Claim the Love...
It's what you came here for.............
ChristinA Ritchie
For all information in relation to LUXOR Light including Practitioner Registery contact
ChristinA Ritchie
email: admin@luxorlight.net
6 Herschell Way,
Western Australia