Chris is a seasoned businessman, author and speaker. He has for nearly twenty years been involved in leadership in the business community, the non-profit world, and as a speaker and author. He has learned what he shares through his own experience and his interaction with and observation of the most successful people in the world. He is Founder and President of Made for Success, one of the world’s leading personal development companies.
Endorsements from the Top Personal Development Experts:
“Chris Widener is the leader of a new generation of personal development and leadership experts. His content is rich and practical, and his style is dynamic and engaging!” Jim Rohn
“Chris Widener is one of the brand new top stars on the International platform speaking circuit.” Denis Waitley
“Chris Widener is one of the best speakers in America today. He does wonderful introductions, wonderful development, extremely motivational, he is funny, he is sharp, he is quick and to the point.” Brian Tracy