Cassandra "Cassie" Curley understood at a very young age that the body naturally aligns in synchrony with the mind and spirit. Her involvement in the healthcare profession began as a Personal Trainer (then called a Weight Lifting Instructor) in the early 80s, continued as a college student graduating from the University of Central Florida in 1997 and eventually, as a Licensed Massage Therapist and co-owner of three consecutive health centers.
Following more than twenty-five years of study in the field of health and well-being, Cassie now supports, with her husband Mark, Prosperity Health in their Serenity Center in Winter Springs, Florida. Her private practice incorporates advanced training in the energetic healing modalities of CranioSacral Therapy, Bodytalk, Reiki and most recently, Zero Point Cranial. These therapies, though subtle, facilitate deep healing within the client by allowing their innate self-correcting mechanisms to engage.
In addition, she has been a contributor of health-related articles to local publications in the Orlando area and, most recently, published her first book on creating wellness entitled, What’s the ‘Matter’?:The Key to Creating Your Reality.
She can be contacted through her web site .
One of my favorite quotes about the mind/body/spirit connectiion is from Dharma Singh Kalsa, "Healing begins with the mind and the mind is a slave to the spirit". Kalsa is referring to both physical and spiritual health for, each is a reflection of the other. Glenda Greene, in her book, Jesus Speaks: Love Without End, states most profoundly that " The soul is crying for a reality experience which only physical life can give to it. The body is crying for an immortality experience, which only the soul can give to it. As you permit this union to fulfill itself, you will directly know what it feels like to be the love that you are." Dis-ease ensues when the body and soul are disjointed.
On understanding life, Helen Keller wrote, "I do not want the peace that passeth understanding, I want the understanding that bringeth peace". In that vein, living a higher conscious life through the Human experience is my highest desire. In as much, I have found divine inspiration in almost every word of the "Conversations with God" series, Glenda Green's, "Love Without End" and both the Abraham and Seth Speaks Series.
"Earth is Universal Consciousness" Is the message that came to me in meditation several years ago. Upon this premise, I wrote my book, "What's the 'Matter'?:The Key to Creating Your Reality".
My expertise lies in my ability to bridge the connection between how science demonstrates cause (source) and effect and how that is clearly reflected in our belief systems and reality.
In my book, "What's the 'Matter'?, I take the reader through a step by step guide of the fundamental laws of Physics and how that correlates to our physical manifestations. It conveys how a primary source of energy not only unites all of life but, how that source responds and adheres according to our beliefs. For instance, during and following the 9/11 attacks, there was a highly discernable spike in atmospheric energy change that transmuted into varying manifestations of peace and hatred, according to individual perceptions.