Carrie Carters channeled messages from the angels have helped thousands of people learn how to use their intuitive side to manifest their greatest desires. She is a gifted Channel and Medium. She channels Loved Ones in Spirit, Angels and Guides,
At the age of five, Carrie became aware of her intense abilities of clairvoyance (seeing/remote viewing), clairaudience (inner hearing), empathy (feeling) and healing (channel for the healing energies of God and the Angels). These gifts have given her an amazing ability to help others heal from grief, as she channels messages from their deceased loved ones and angels. Her channeled messages have help thousands of clients overcome personal fears and live a more balanced, peaceful and enlightened life.
She has made numerous appearances on ABC Channel 7 with the Kelly and Company Morning Show. She has also been interviewed on FOX News Channel 12 about Psychics. Carrie was featured in a Special Program about Psychic Mediums on ABC Channel 7 News. She has been interviewed on Drive Time Talk show Houston News Radio FM 97.5. She interviewed with BBC Radio network in London, and with CBS network Radio in Washington DC. She has been published in numerous news articles which include; the LA Times, San Antonio Express-News, Denver Post, and Woman’s World Magazine
Her Channeled book “On Earth As It Is In Heaven” shows how to communicate with Loved Ones in the Spiritual Realm and gives spiritual understanding of what happens when the soul leaves the earthly body. Her second book “The Secret Desserts of Life” is a workbook with Hands-On Lessons that will put YOUR Abundance and Prosperity into “High Gear” as Carrie gives you some common sense approaches to use in your everyday life. Her third Book “Think Your Way to Riches Kids’ Style” is a synthesis of Napoleon Hill’s Great Classic “Think and Grow Rich” which she turned into a “Workbook” for parents who want their children to be successful in all areas of their lives.
Carrie’s spiritual education, including a Degree in Hypnotherapy and Reiki I and II, coupled with her traditional college education has provided additional tools, and insights which gives her an amazing ability to help people tap into their spiritual strengths and inner wisdom to discover their own answers and become the best they can be.
Carrie’s passion through her channeling is to help clients connect with God's Love to assist them on their journey of peace and happiness. Her goal is to preserve large amounts of property throughout the world to keep in its natural state for wildlife to live in peace and harmony.
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<!--[endif]--> Angel Vision invites you to experience Carrie’s educational seminars, workshops, personal and confidential channeled spiritual readings, and private life coaching. For more information visit our websites:
Call our Office at: 810.714.3338.
If you are in town you can visit us at the Office: 110 Trealout Drive, Suite 107-B, Fenton, Michigan 48430 USA
Angel Vision invites you to experience Carrie’s educational seminars, personal and confidential spiritual readings, and private life coaching... Call the Angel Vison Office 810.714.3338 for more information
Your Life is "Choice" not "Chance"
Your Destiny is Shaped in the Moments of Your Decision
My Name is Carrie Carter and I am a gifted Channel and Medium. From a very early age I have been able to talk to Angels, Loved Ones on the other side, Spirit Guides and even animals. For me is has always been so natural to carry on conversation with people that seem invisible to others. When I first met my husband James I drove him crazy when he tried to keep up a conversation with me. Half the time I was talking to him, and the other half of the time I was talking to my Angel David, or some Loved One in the spirit world. I have always felt blessed to have my intuitive gifts, but I realized just how special my connection to Loved Ones on the other side was when I lost my own daughter Jennifer at the young age of twenty five. I would have given anything to be able to give her just one last hug!! From the day she died I have had an even greater desire to help people connect to their Loved Ones on the other side and help them ease their grief and suffering… From that very day on, Loved Ones on the other side have had an even greater desire to channel through me, to give messages to their Loved Ones here on Earth... They want people to know how much they love them, and that they are all right. They long to reach out and GIVE you that One Last Hug. Many people ask me how I connect and channel messages from Angels or their Love Ones on the other side. I must admit to this day I am still not sure how it works. I seem to be like a computer constantly downloading messages from Angels, Guides, Loved Ones, and even Animals, and then when I give a reading, the messages come out to my clients. I can hear myself talk when I channel messages, but after I am done giving a message I don’t remember 99% of what was said... But again the message is not for me it’s for the one receiving it. I am the telephone line that lets YOUR Loved Ones say “Hello from Heaven”!
Angel Vision LLC
14165 North Fenton Rd.
Suite 102B
Fenton, Michigan 48430
Office Phone: 810.714.3338